Introducing the Flourishing Queen
This is the last of my four Lady Rebel Leader Archetypes.
She stands tall in her power but not so tall that other people are forgotten, as she knows the wisdom of connection and collaboration.
She knows her value and her worth, and has the courage to create and maintain her boundaries so that she can lead her mission and thrive at the same time.
This has been a long journey, she was not born but made herself the Flourishing Queen from paying attention and following those internal nudges that provided flashes of her purpose.
Today she is achieving her goals, living intentionally and with purpose, creating the impact she desires, and gives her self time.
Time to contemplate.
Time to reflect.
Time to restore.
Time to learn.
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She embraces the feelings of anxiety and guilt that are sometimes experienced, and recognises them for what they are - old patterns that have outstayed their welcome. Nothing more, nothing less.
She accepts things that cannot be changed or influenced, and focuses her attention on those that can.
She asks for what she needs because she knows that her needs are valid.
She lives with self-acceptance and self-compassion and has effective tools to lovingly quieten her inner-critic.
She has defined success for herself, and works to her own definition which sustains rather than drains her. She is at peace with who she, (most of the time) and leads her mission with courage.
If this description of the Flourishing Queen seems alien to you, but something you aspire to create and embrace for yourself, then congratulations for recognising the need in yourself - it's not easy to do that without also judging ourselves for not being there yet.
All personal change begins with a single step, so why not book a call so we can talk about what you need. If I can't help you create your own solution I know I can find someone who can. Click HERE to take a step into your courage.
If you'd like to learn more about how you can become more courageous in your leadership, join my Lady Rebel Leader Community facebook group, and join my 5 Keys to Courageous Leadership workshop on July 12th, 6.30-8pm.
Helping organisations unlock potential by shifting extraversion bias | Coaching quiet leaders | TEDx Speaker | Trainer
2yAfter much personal work, I'm pleased to say I resemble this description Dr Erica Bowen, Coaching Psychologist