Invest in Yourself
Main Idea: The best investment you can make is in yourself. When you make an intentional plan to build your skill sets, you can access greater job opportunities, make more money, reach your full potential, and increase your overall happiness.
There are many ways you can invest your money, time, and energy. But when it comes to ROI, or your return on investment, many of us often forget to invest in the most valuable asset we possess, and that’s ourselves. Developing our talents and learning new skills not only allows us to earn more money. You also create a richer life for yourself as you become more knowledgeable, access more interesting opportunities, and meet interesting people.
Start Now
You might not feel a sense of urgency to do anything now. You’re comfortable where you are. You think, “Maybe I’ll get around to (whatever you need to do to grow and develop) later.” The problem is that later comes and goes, and before you realize it you’re 5 years older and you really haven’t grown or developed much at all.
The world has been changing faster in the last 50 years than ever before. If you don’t intentionally commit to developing your skills, you may grow slowly, but you also might be left behind by others who have spent time and energy developing their talents.
So start thinking now about what you want your life to look like in the future and make a deliberate plan.
Growth Doesn’t Just Happen. It has to happen on purpose” - John C. Maxwell
According to John Maxwell, if you want to reach your full potential, achieve success and lead powerful change in yourself and others, it’s going to take more than just experiencing life and hoping that you will learn things along the way. To make a plan, start by asking yourself big questions, like “Who do I want to become?” “What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?” Then start looking at what you need to do to achieve those goals and begin mapping out your plan.
And you don’t have to feel guilty about it. It’s not selfish to recognize that you are worth it. A lot of us tend to think of others before ourselves. How often do we want to give little Francesca, for example, that extra sports class, before we’d ever consider spending it on developing ourselves? Start thinking about what is really of value to you and your family’s lives before you impulsively allocate your resources.
The bottom line, growth can be accidental or intentional. Accidental growth depends on good luck, while intentional growth requires hard work, perseverance, and determination. Good luck is not guaranteed. But when you commit yourself to intentional growth, you are better able to gain control over your career and future.
How to invest in yourself
There has never been a better time to access the learning you need to develop your skills, gain insights about your industry, and meet people who can help you.
Here’s a list that is by no means exhaustive:
PD offered by your organization
Ideally, your company or organization should be providing you with opportunities for professional development. Take advantage of what is being offered. If you find yourself in an organization that doesn’t prioritize growing its talent, you might consider working somewhere else that does.
Online degrees offered by universities
Many of my clients have taken advantage of online degrees and programs offered by some of the most prestigious universities like Harvard and Stanford. But any reputable school that offers training on what you need can be worthwhile.
LinkedIn Learning
If you have a LinkedIn Premium subscription, you’re in luck. LinkedIn offers many classes for free. To find them, go to the search bar on LinkedIn and type “Courses.” Click the “courses” tab. Type the topic you’re looking for there. There are also tabs marked “Level,” and “Time” to complete.
It may be 2024, but books still continue to be one of the best ways to acquire new information.
Recommended by LinkedIn
Get a coach
Many coaches and instructors are now offering courses in specialized topics. From American English communication courses for Italian professionals working in the USA to business coaches to life coaches, a lot is available to you.
Benefits of investing in yourself
Investing your most valuable resources, time, money, and energy not only helps you build your skillset, but it can also offer many other rewards such as:
1. Enhancing your job satisfaction
As you become better qualified to master the challenges in your current position and access more interesting job opportunities, your job satisfaction will increase.
2. Increasing confidence and boost self-esteem
The more you continually succeed using your acquired skills and knowledge, you will build your confidence and feel more self-assured.
3. Improving your career prospects and employability
This is obvious. The more you know and the more you can do, the more job prospects you will have. Your professional status will increase as well.
4. Fulfilling your sense of purpose
You have unlimited potential. For the short time we are here on this earth, you want to be the best version of yourself you can be. Not doing so, and leaving that undeveloped talent on the table is a waste.
The Most Important Question
In addition to asking yourself those big questions about who you want to be, don't forget to ask yourself, "What is the cost of doing nothing?" Likely it will cost you all the benefits you could reap from the list above.
When it comes to improving yourself, it’s all up to you. Don’t wait for HR or someone else to come ask you if you want to participate in something. Take charge of your career, and your life, and start seeking the learning and growing you need to do to be that person you want to become. Remember, investing in yourself is an ongoing process with long-term rewards.
Good luck!
P.S. As Warren Buffet said, “The best investment by far is anything that develops yourself, and it’s not taxed at all…..One easy way to become worth at least 50% more than you are now…is to hone your communication skills.”
If you are an Italian professional who wants to start communicating more confidently and effectively at work in the United States, message me “Effective” on LinkedIn, email me at, or check out my website: and we can talk about what you need to do to be the communicator you aspire to be.