"It's all part of a grander plan, that is coming true"
I have been receiving a lot of in-messages (DMs) from most individuals on this platform, especially my peers. It's a mix of varied requests, appreciation posts and congratulatory messages which in the grander scheme of things, highly motivate me.(Mostly because I believe that (a)LinkedIn is a safe space where professionals get to grow, make mistakes, learn, relearn and unlearn without the fear of judgement (b) I am realistically not famous enough (or probably highly delusional) to be bullied on LinkedIn (c) I have never ever received any troll messages on this platform hence all my claims are justified.) . That said, I am gonna start this sorta kinda blog as a way of responding to most of these queries with the hope that: I won't bore y'all to death & you'll be able to pick a thing or half from my not so sensible journey that keeps surprising even me.
You may have noticed that this is just an introduction and not necessarily a life lesson.
{So, by now it's obvious that this is just an introduction to what this is gonna be about. And I am more than open to your suggestions on what you would want me to talk about in regards to my PROFESSIONAL JOURNEY (Note professional journey is in caps, huh? lol. Let's stick to that for now, d'accord?)}
See you later!