It's life, but no the end
It may sound stupid, even a cheap justification, but this quote (which actually came out of a TV series) constantly pops into my mind when something has simply gone wrong.
And many times something has simply gone wrong and we torture ourselves for it when we were not at fault: yes, we tried our best, we wanted the most positive result... but circumstances did not allow it.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life"
At this point, two things can happen: you can continue to torture yourself unnecessarily because things have not gone well (despite all your effort and having done the right things) or you can shrug your shoulders and think "well, let's move on to something else".
But there is a second part (oh, how I love second parts!) and it was taught to me by my father, and of course it is also reduced to a single sentence:
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"How will you turn this disadvantage into an advantage?"
How can I turn what looks like a failure into something positive?
Let me give you an example. When I faced the development of the LinkedIn Learning course "How to contact people (and get a response)" I collected all my life experiences, the positive ones, the negative ones and above all, the ones where I did everything right (and didn't go right) and turned all those disadvantages into a great advantage: on a personal level, they not only allowed me to have a very broad perspective of my failures and successes (because there is a secret story behind each video of the course) and on a professional level, to share with many people everything I did well (and it went well), what I did wrong (and of course it went wrong) and what I did well, but did not end up going as I expected, turning all those experiences into a great learning opportunity.
Almost 74,000 people have watched this course since I recorded it in 2015 and it still remains a very popular course.
(By the way, the first quote is from Captain Picard in the Star Trek episode, The Next Generation: Peak Performance, which also includes an excellent case of creative strategic thinking to cap off the story of the episode).
ALMA Development System Engineer at Observatorio ALMA
3yI have a paraphrase from a colleague at IAA-CSIC that was involved in some subsystems of the Huygens lander to Titan from the Cassini-Huygens mission that brings you the complementary point of view: «If something is working in your life, it means you're doing something good, because otherwise entropy will take care that bad things happen…»
Proud Latina | LinkedIn Learning instructor | Mindfulness advocate
3y"How will you turn this disadvantage into an advantage?" - such a wise advice. Thank you for sharing Carlos Burges Ruiz de Gopegui