It's ok to have JESUS, and a THERAPIST
I shared the image below a few days ago as an advice to people living with #mentalillness.
However, from the commnets, it’s necessary I clarify to avoid someone being led astray with some of the opinions expressed.
While everyone is entitled to their opinion, its also important that my position in this is made clear. It’s ok to have JESUS, and a THERAPIST.
We are a nation heavily steeped in faith, we believe in achieving a lot ‘by the Grace of God’. However, a lot of times we forget that God has already given us the wisdom and knowledge with which to help ourselves. He gave us the knowledge for the different disciplines- science, art, medicine, business management, etc. and utilizing this knowledge isn’t a sin or a lack of faith.
The Bible in James 2: 14-17 talks about faith without works being dead.
If we have faith in God, but refuse to utilise the wisdom he has given us, that is foolishness. When it comes to health; mental or otherwise, and in all things really, we need to let the professionals do their jobs.
In the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16: 19-31), when the rich man asked that Lazarus be sent to his brethren, the response from Abraham is that his brethren have Moses and the prophets, let them listen to them. In the same vein, I’m sure God is saying to us today, THERE ARE DOCTORS AND PROFESSIONALS, LISTEN TO THEM.
If you are ill, go see a doctor. An ailment appropriate doctor- Optical, Dental, Psychiatric, Obstetric, etc. seeing a professional does not in any way diminish your faith, just like locking your doors does not mean you have lost faith in God’s ability to keep you safe. Beyond your health, if you require financial advice, seek same from the professionals, if you require Legal advice, same thing applies. Most of that which we pray for has already been answered, all we need is to receive it.
Wisdom is profitable to direct.