The Summer Grand Opening is starting with caution. Radio is the perfect vehicle to get the word to consumers with pent up needs and wants.

This month, Boston Radio Update includes a look at New York City, Long Island, Philadelphia, Providence RI and Hartford CT. May People Meters cover April 23-May 30. The just concluded June survey May 31-June 17, coincides with a new C-19 phase.

BOSTON. Market #10 Spanish 12.0% Urban 8.15%

CLUSTER SHARES - High & Low Months Underlined. iHeart lead over Beasley is 9.1-14.0-12.8; last May, BBGI was 2.8 higher. ETM now trails iHeart 19.1-22.7-23.0, off 6.2 from a year ago. Non-Comm News/Talker WGBH increases their lead over alter-ego WBUR 0.3-1.3. WGBH moved #10-#9, 3.8-4.6 while WBUR stayed at #11, 3.5-3.3. Despite no sports action, WBZ/FM held on to #8, gaining 4.6-4.7 while WEEI/FM stayed at #14, off 3.0-2.7.


Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Hol Jan20 Feb March April May 20

1. iHeart 31.4 31.6 30.5 28.5 29.4 28.6 31.0 30.6 33.0 35.5 35.0

2. Beasley 22.2 24.0 25.1 25.6 23.6 21.7 24.6 24.1 23.9 21.5 22.2

3. Entercom 16.5 15.8 15.4 17.5 18.8 24.4 16.3 16.8 13.9 12.8 12.0


April May ‘20

News/Talk 19.8 19.8 WBZ-A 5.9, WRKO-A 4.8, WGBH 4.6, WBUR 3.3, WXKS-A 1.1, WRCA 0.1

Classic Hits/Rock 18.3 18.4 WZLX 7.6, WROR 5.9, WBOS 3.6, WODS 1.1, WWFX 0.2

HotA/C, Rym&CHR 16.8 15.4 WXKS 7.5, WWBX 2.8, WBQT 2.1, WKAF 1.4, WXLO 1.3, WSNE 0.3

Non-Commercial 11.1 11.7 WGBH 4.6, WBUR 3.3, WCRB 2.2, WERS 1.2, WUMB 0.4

Country 6.3 8.2 WKLB 5.6, WBWL 1.9, WCTK 0.7

Sports 8.1 8.0 WBZ-FM 4.7, WEEI-FM 2.7, WEEI/F Stream 0.3, WVEI/F 0.2, WEEI-A 0.1

Rock/Alternative 4.7 5.5 WXRV 3.2, WGIR 1.1, WHJY 0.8, WHEB 0.4

A/C 5.6 5.4 WMJX 4.8, WSRS 0.6

Same formats in the Top 4 standings. Country edges out Sports. Rock/Alternative slips past the scanty A/C field. Hot A/C is getting crowded.

Mar/Apr/May ‘20 Share/Cume Rank – calls/format/owner, Mar/Apr/May share trends and local color

4/4-1/4-1/4 WZLX-FM Classic Rock iHeart 6.3-7.5-7.6. Holds on to #1! Familiar is Big; cume + 10.6%, leads ‘ROR by 1.5.

1/1-2/1-2/1 WXKS-FM CHR iHeart 7.0-7.3-7.5. Top Boston cume gains 583-673k. Strong morning & brand dominates.

1/3-3/2-3/2 WROR-FM Classic Hits Beasley 7.0-6.6-6.1. Clear slippage. Classic Rock WZLX turns out to be the taker.

3/5-4/5-4/6 WBZ-AM News/Talk iHeart 6.4-6.3-5.9. Boston’s “Go To” info station continues tradition in tense times.

7/7-9/6-5/5 WKLB-FM Country Beasley 4.2-3.9-5.6. May’s largest share jump, 1.7. Lead grows over The Bull 1.9-2.1-2.9.

9/18-5/18-6/18 WRKO-AM Talk iHeart 3.8-5.3-4.8. Slips a notch but stays very respectable. Lots of Boston to talk about.

6/2-6/8-6/3 WMJX-FM A/C Entercom 5.6-4.9-4.8. Cume back up to #3; share now a concern. A/C no longer bullet proof.

5/9-7/8-8/8 WBZ-FM Sports Beasley 5.8-4.6-4.7. Gain despite no games. Stronger brand, now tops WEEI/FM 1.6-2.0.

11/17-10/18-9/16 WGBH-FM News/Talk WGBH Found. 3.6-3.8-4.6. Nice up; lead over ‘BUR 0.3-1.3. 4 FMs within an 0.2

8/8-8/10-10/9 WBOS-FM Classic Rock Beasley. 3.9-4.0-3.6 Holds in Top 10 but one of the few to lose cume. Still works.

Boston’s Top 10 entry share Feb/May moves 3.5-3.6-3.8-3.6. Top 20 share retreats again Feb/May 1.9-1.4-1.3-1.2. Every Top 20 Boston station has potential to add audience & income. Listening has been off due to lack of drive time. Now, back on the rise, cars again command the significant radio audience.

BIG 103 FORMAT CHANGE: May 28, WODS finally dropped CHR “AMP” for “Unleased Music” Variety Hits WBGB-FM. Previously had success with Oldies & Softrock

Mar/Apr/May‘20 Share/Cume Rank – calls/format/owner, Mar/Apr/May share trends and local color

10/11-11/9-11/12 WBUR-FM News/Talk Boston U. 3.7-3.5-3.3. Now, 1.3 behind ‘GBH, cume off. No way to greet a new GM.

12/14-13/14-12/11 WXRV-FM Adult Alternative Northeast. 3.2-3.1-3.2. Sounds like River’s found a nice brand & niche.

12/6-12/7-13/7 WWBX-FM Hot A/C Entercom. 3.2-3.4-2.8. Cume stays in the Top 10 but shares are getting squeezed.

12/16-14/17-14/17 WEEI-FM Sports Entercom 3.2-3.0-2.7. A tough fight especially if Sox don’t come to bat, this year.

20/20-16/21-15/21 WCRB-FM Classical WGBH Foundation 1.4-2.2-2.2. Classical shows better in other classy markets.

15/10-15/11-16/10 WBQT-FM Rhythm A/C Beasley. 2.7-2.3-2.1. Doesn’t appear to be gaining share; now a challenge.

16/15-18/15-17/15 WBWL-FM Country iHeart 2.3-1.8-1.9. What will feed the Bull? Now behind WKLB 2.1-4.0. Ouch. 17/12-20/13-18/13 WJMN-FM Rhythmic CHR iHeart 2.2-1.3-1.5. Nothing stronger. Big signal’s delivered 5x more share.

19/19-17/20-19/20 WKAF-FM Hot A/C iHeart 1.6-2.0-1.4. Last month’s gain is gone. R&B doubled the share at the start.

18/17-19/19-20/19 WXLO-FM Hot A/C Cumulus 1.8-1.5-1.3. #2 in Worcester; like ‘AAF, no stand-out from the big signal.

20/23-20/22-21/22 WERS-FM Variety Emerson 1.4-1.3-1.2. Bit of a slide but still a contendah. Terrific student potential.

26/27-22/27-22/28 WXKS-AM News/Talk iHeart 0.6-1.1-1.1. These days, virus, safety and politics are lots to talk about.

20/13-23/16-22/14 WODS-FM CHR Entercom 1.4-1.0-1.1. AMP = RIP. WBGB-FM: Big 103, Variety Hits “Music Unleased”

NEW YORK. Market #1 Spanish 25.0% Urban 16.65% CLUSTERS: iHeart 22.8 Entercom 22.3 Spanish Broadcast System (SBS) 12.5 Emmis 9.1 NYC Broadcast Foundation 7.3

May ‘20 Share/Cume Rank – calls/format/owner, March/April/May Shares, local color

1/5 WSKQ-FM Spanish SBS 6.5-7.7-8.7. 1 in 4 NYC population is Hispanic, format up in C-19. 5th cume, 2.9 share lead.

2/3 WCBS-FM Classic Hits Entercom 6.2-5.3-5.8. Tired & True; Oldies are NYC’s Classic. #3 cume, 12 stations top 1 mil.

3/1 WLTW-FM A/C iHeart 6.7-6.1-5.7. #1 cume by 268k, a huge 2.258 million weekly listeners. A/C shares are dipping.

4/11 WINS-AM News Entercom 4.7-5.7-4.9. Dumped Top 40 in ‘65 & never looked back. 1010 WINS, Wins New York.

4/6 WAXQ-FM Classic Rock iHeart 4.0-5.3-4.9. Tied for 4th share; substantial. In NYC, familiar’s the winner. Same on LI.

6/8 WBLS-FM Urban A/C Emmis 5.4-4.7-4.5. Slick on-air. 5 NYC stations bunch up between 1.34 & 1.39 million cume.

7/2 WHTZ-FM CHR iHeart 4.2-3.6-3.5. Long time big CHR cume, at #2, 1.9 million. CHR shares are off but brands endure.

8/18 WNYC-FM N/T NYC Bcst Foundation. 4.0-5.1-3.3. NYC Public Radio ties 2 FMs at #8 share. Very solid performance.

8/22 WQXR-FM Classical NYC Broadcast Found. 2.2-3.3-3.3. Both NYC Pub FMs have strong time spent listening. Bravo!

10/12 WXNY-FM Spanish CHR Univision 4.0-3.1-3.2. Two Hispanic operators account for 3 stations in the NYC Top 12.

10/4 WKTU-FM Hot A/C iHeart 3.1-2.6-3.2. Big debut decades ago as Disco. Latest 92 KTU plays to #4 cume, #10 share.

12/15 WCBS-AM News Entercom 2.9-3.4-3.1. NYC needs two big AM All-News stations & NPR. Traffic on the 1’s & 8’s.

13/12 WPAT-FM Spanish Hits SBS 2.8-2.3-3.0. First FM heard growing up as NYC’s beautiful music standard. Big signal.

14/9 WWPR-FM Urban iHeart 3.0-2.8-2.9. Top 10 cume and still a New York “Power.” Consistent share and following.


15/7 WQHT-FM RhymCHR Emmis 2.7-2.3-2.7. Another huge cume at 1.388 million. Hit machine sustains NYC shares.

16/20 WOR-AM Talk iHeart 1.9-3.0-2.4. Great heritage New York Talker, once had an offer of $200 million. Big signal.

16/10 WNEW-FM Hot A/C Entercom 3.5-2.5-2.4. 60s/70s progressive FM of the Day with Scott Muni & Alison Steele.

18/16 WNSH-FM Country Entercom 2.0-2.1-2.1. NJ Signal across the Hudson, Cumulus made it “Nash” for Nashville.

19/14 WNYL-FM Alternative Rock Entercom 2.3-1.7-2.0. Cume ranks higher than share. Format can have its limits.

20/17 WFAN FM/AM Sports Entercom 1.9-1.4-1.7. AM 660 was wNbc signal. Top sports town needs sports to cheer.

21/23 WABC-AM Talk Red Apple Media 1.3-1.5-1.6. New local owner starting to make positives with monster 77 signal.

21/19 WEPN-FM Sports Emmis 1.5-1.2-1.6. Multiple sports stations, multiple NY teams, but difficult with nobody home.

23/26 WFUV-FM Adult Alternative Fordham U. 1.0-1.2-1.2. Nice results for The Bronx Rams. Good eclectic FM mix.

24/21 WPLJ-FM Contemp Christian Educational Media Foundation 0.9-1.1-1.1. This was ABC O&O heritage WPLJ-FM.

25/31 WARW-FM Contemp Christian Educational Media Foundation 0.9-1.4-1.0. Non-local redundancy on two signals.

LONG ISLAND. Market #20 Spanish 19.0% Urban 9.96%. CLUSTERS: iHeart 21.6 Entercom 17.2 Connoisseur 12.2 Apollo Cox 11.8 Emmis 5.6

May ‘20 Share/Cume Rank – calls/format/owner, March/April/May Shares, local color

1/3 WBAB-FM/WHFM-FM Classic Rock Apollo Cox 4.7-6.2-7.4. Local FM duo proves the NYC suburbs like Classic Rock.

2/4 WAXQ-FM Classic Rock iHeart 4.4-6.2-6.0. An easy big signal splash to Long Island. 1-2 Classics Rock The Sound.

3/20 WOR-AM Talk 3.8-6.7-5.7. Tremendous AM signal covers Long Island and Connecticut. Big AM All Talk numbers!

4/6 WCBS-FM Classic Hits Entercom 7.0-6.0-4.9. Three of Long Island’s Top 4 are Classic. NYC has 7 of the LI Top 10.

5/7 WINS-AM News Entercom 5.2-5.3-4.2. Can’t drive in or out of NY without it. All Time Staccato All News Leader.

6/3 WBLI-FM CHR Apollo Cox 3.2-4.3-3.9. Cox Media (now Apollo) has a solid home base on Long Island. Heritage calls.

8/1 WHTZ-FM CHR iHeart 4.7-3.9-3.6. #1 cume on Long Island with 290k; #2 cume in nearby NYC with 1.99 million.

9/9 WBZO-FM Classic Hits Connoisseur 2.5-2.7-3.4. Well run group surrounds NYC from LI & CT. #1 local cluster shares.

10/16 WBLS-FM Urban A/C Emmis 3.3-2.2-3.1. NYC powerhouse with the #1 Long Island Urban audience. Very durable.

11/15 WFAN-FM/AM Sports Entercom 3.4-3.4-2.6. Brooklyn/Queens at the base of Long Island add NY sports mania. 11/5 WALK-FM A/C Connoisseur 3.6-2.1-3.0. Long time #1 on Long Island faces competition from crowded A/C format.

PHILADELPHIA. Market #9 Urban 20.73% Spanish 9.0%. CLUSTERS: Beasley 25.3 Entercom 22.7 iHeart 22.2 Radio One 7.0

May ‘20 Share/Cume Rank – calls/format/owner, March/April/May Shares, local color

1/6 WDAS-FM Urban A/C iHeart 6.3-9.2-8.9 Strong heritage station reflects population composition. #6 cume, 476k.

2/1 WMGK-FM Classic Rock Beasley 7.3-7.3-8.0 Long time Philadelphia call letters evolved from A/C; #1 cume at 733k.

3/3 WMMR-FM Rock Beasley 7.0-6.8-7.3 Heritage rock call letters stay near the top. BBGI is the #1 Philadelphia cluster.

4/13 WIP-FM Sports Entercom 5.7-5.6-5.9 Philadelphia is a Big 4 pro team sports town, even if nobody’s playing ball.

5/7 KYW-AM News Entercom 6.6-7.3-5.8. Dependable, classic Group W, CBS heritage with “All News All the Time.”

6/2 WOGL-FM Classic Hits Entercom 4.7-4.7-5.2 Keeps that big oldies cume 614k from former top share slot; rebound.

7/8 WXTU-FM Country Beasley 4.7-4.9-4.5 Worked at General Cinema CHR WIFI. Nice run as Country; 3 BBGI in Top 12.

8/16 WHYY-FM News/Talk WHYY, Inc. 5.4-4.5-4.4. Public Radio with a total of 6 FM signals. Excellent quality & service.

9/9 WUSL-FM Urban iHeart 3.7-3.9-4.2. Solid contender for Philadelphia’s urban audience. Good heritage & delivery.

10/11 WRFF-FM Alternative Rock iHeart 2.5-3.5-3.5. Rock heritage creates tight #2 race for ETM-iheart bragging rights.

11/17 WPPZ-FM R&B Oldies Radio One 2.9-3.2-3.2 Radio One hassuccess with a new blend of familiar favorites. Nice.

11/10 WISX-FM Soft A/C iHeart 3.0-3.1-3.2 Unique major market Soft A/C has legs, with more imagination. EZ does it.

13/25 WRTI-FM Classical Temple Univ. 2.5-3.4-3.1 Classical seems soothing for Covid in several Top 10 markets.

13/11 WBEN-FM Adult Hits Beasley 4.1-2.4-3.1. Good concept, roller coaster shares. Adult Hits is squeezed & erratic. 15/4 WBEB-FM A/C Entercom 4.8-3.4-3.0 Huge cume results from long time #1 market share. Big demise after Mr. Lee.

PROVIDENCE. Market #44 Spanish 13.0% Urban 6.01%. CLUSTERS: iHeart 25.8 Cumulus 21.4 Hall Comm. 10.2

May ‘20 Share/Cume Rank – calls/format/owner, March/April/May Shares, local color

1/2 WHJY-FM Rock iHeart 10.6-10.2-10.6. Another PPM market with Classic Rock on top; #2 cume by just 4,000.

2/3 WCTK-FM Country Hall Communications 7.9-9.8-9.4. Well run indy is a strong #2 share with #3 cume at 269k.

3/1 WPRO-FM CHR Cumulus 8.3-7.0-6.6. Always a very strong CHR; share slips while #1 cume records 278,300.

4/4 WWLI-FM A/C Cumulus 9.8-7.9-6.1. Another A/C having share concerns during Covid-19. Long time market leader.

5/5 WWBB-FM Classic Hits iHeart 5.2-5.2-5.8. Since the signal adjustment, remains formidable but trails WHJY by 4.8.

7/6 WSNE-FM Hot A/C iHeart 4.4-4.5-4.2. Continues as an “also ran” with the difficult and crowded Hot A/C format.

8/11 WFHN-FM CHR Townsquare 2.3-3.3-3.2. Good CHR numbers from nearby New Bedford, MA. Providence likes CHR.

9/9 WVEI-FM Sports Entercom 3.1-2.4-2.4. WEEI-FM sports repeater has 2.7 Boston share and hangs on in Providence.

10/9 WGBH-FM N/T WGBH Ed. Foundation. 3.2-3.0-2.3. Big signal over the air is Top 10 in Providence, 4.6 & #9 Boston.

11/7 WWKX-FM RhyCHR Cumulus 2.4-1.8-2.1. Licensed to Woonsocket, Cumulus has clusters in Prov RI & Worc MA.

12/14 WNPN-FM RI Public Radio 1.4-2.1-1.6. Acquired the big UMass Dartmouth FM signal; working to gain traction.

HARTFORD. Market #52 Spanish 16.0% Urban 11.78%. CLUSTERS: Entercom 27.6 iHeart 23.4 Red Wolf 16.6

May ‘20 Share/Cume Rank – calls/format/owner, March/April/May Shares, local color

1/2 WRCH-FM Soft A/C Entercom 9.9-8.9-9.4 Long time heritage #1 has #2 cume 188k but now tied with WDRC-FM.

1/4 WDRC-FM Classic Rock Red Wolf 7.6-8.9-9.4. The Whale is now a monster; Classic Rock grabs Hartford by the ears.

3/6 WWYZ-FM Country iHeart 7.4-9.8-8.4 Country stays strong in CT. #6 cume. 7 FMs = 148-199k weekly listener range

4/9 WTIC-AM N/T Entercom 7.2-7.6-7.8 Former box car numbers on CT’s only 50kw AM. Solid News/Talk/Service blend

5/5 WHCN-FM Classic Hits iHeart 7.1-6.7-6.0 Once Hartford’s Classic Rocker; formats & fortunes switched with DRC-F.

5/7 WZMX-FM RhyCHR Entercom 6.3-6.1-6.0. Tied with WHCN for 5th share. Both can benefit from more distinction.

7/1 WKSS-FM CHR iHeart 5.9-4.8-5.4. Residual #1 cume at 199k from CHR brand. Kiss has been stronger in the past.

8/3 WTIC-FM Hot A/C Entercom 5.6-4.1-4.4. Big CT cume at 166k but the lower share doesn’t protect against tune outs

9/8 WMRQ-FM Alternative Rock Red Wolf 3.5-3.5-3.2. Continues to hang in the Top 10. Different, with a nice niche.

10/10 WNPR-FM N/T CT Educational Telecom. 4.3-3.0-3.0. Shouldn’t dip during C-19 times; signals don’t cover all of CT

10/11 WMRQ-HD2 Tropical Red Wolf 2.1-2.2-3.0. Very unique. AMs with HD give MRQ-HD2 highest HD Nor’east share.

With huge accessibility, reach, frequency and efficient cost, advertisers are turning to RADIO for the grand re-opening from C-19. Effective Radio Service is Live, Local and Connected. Advertisers using Radio enjoy immediate benefits and come back for the frequency of more.

Radio’s immediate one-to-one communication is even more essential during these extraordinary times. Radio’s spoken word, information and musical memories are broadcast on a tried and true 100 year-old medium, 1920-2020. Digital delivery is fast and amazingly clear but radio content and curation add the secret sauce.

Music Boxes miss the boat. Listeners don’t stop to explain what it means to feel informed and comfortable. They simply know where to tune for needed service .

CLARK SMIDT, Broadcast Advisor (978) 502-6633

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