“LEAD by "Believing in Yourself”
What if, Mahatma Gandhi didn't believe in himself?
What if he thought, that he is not good enough to LEAD?
What if, he felt bogged down by the doubts and societal beliefs surrounding him?
What if, his choices were guided by others’ approvals?
Well yes, you are right, today we won’t be enjoying the freedom that we do. The point to ponder upon is, do we truly enjoy our freedom?
“Leadership begins with an uncanny vision to lead towards a purpose, that starts with leading self then, leading others”- Deep
Here is how I choose to define LEAD :
L: Learn about yourself & your environment
E: Explore various possibilities
A: Aspire to fulfil your boldest dreams
D: Direct & develop your skills, strengths, values, capabilities and hidden potential, so that you perform to your highest best to accomplish your meaning & purpose.
Unfortunately, we might not be leading ourselves enough, as we still feel dependent or get bogged down by many internal and external interferences. Let me ask you- Do you feel incharge of your emotions? Do you make your choices autonomously or out of assumptions?
I wonder, what comes in our way of possessing a true leadership mind set? What holds us back from realizing our dreams that go beyond ourselves and desires? How do we set ourselves free from excuses on our way to real greatness?
If you haven’t done something, that you have been longing to do or be. These voices might sound familiar:
I don't say this, as a Transformational Coach because I have enabled my clients overcome these non serving voices. I say it because, I have led myself out of these. Yes, you got it right, I have been there, too. However; fortunately with my mom's positive affirmations, my past successes, my faith in God, and believe in Self. I had developed a resilient muscle, which has been strengthened enough to find energy towards my meaning and purpose. My Self belief in my ever evolving potential has led me to places that, I had never imagined. My values have been able to navigate me through these storms of self doubt and imposter syndrome sufficiently well towards my higher purpose.
Based on these self sabotaging beliefs', here is a little poetry, I wish to share with you:
“Oh, Dear me,
These are just self composed dependencies on those parts of our personalities,
whose powers shall be minimized,
before our real potential is compromised.
Do you feel bothered about being criticized?
You just need to wake up and negotiate
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Let not your capabilities satiate
Let your potential be maximized.
Could you say goodbye to your self doubt?
Allow your wiser self to empower your hidden talents to sprout,
It’s time to share your story, let the world remember your legendary glory!”
Now, let me ask you- Upon reading this poetry, which parts of you, would you like to set free?
Let's further cement this awareness with a 5 Step exercise, so as to enable you to "LEAD by Believing in Yourself” and receive whatever you aspire to achieve. (Instructions: You would need a pen & paper handy and a mirror around).
Step 1: Take a few deep breaths, just inhale from your nose and exhale from your mouth. Now, while breathing in and out, recall a strength or a loved one or any place / object that brings a smile on your face.
Step 2: Now, looking into the mirror just say this aloud, I believe in you. You are enough. Believe in yourself, because, if you won’t, who else will?
Step 3: Write on a piece of paper, at least one desire you always wanted to fulfill for the greater good. And what might you or others gain if you fulfil the same?
Step 4: Now, put your hand on that piece of paper and you may choose to close your eyes, and visualize yourself having achieved that desire, be there to hear the appreciation from within and people around, feel the sensations in your body, look around to see the difference you have created.
Step 5: Whenever you feel ready, just inhale & exhale, now capture one thought, feeling and action that you experienced which you wish to sustain from the visualization. Commit to take one step towards this Vision daily, keep something close to you going forward that can help you recall and anchor this commitment.
My wish for you is that may you always keep believing in yourself and LEAD towards that higher purpose!
Should you want to read more , unleash more, deep dive and experience a compilation of my self composed reflective frameworks, poetry and quotes. Go ahead, gift yourself a copy of my upcoming book.
“LEAD by Believing in Yourself” This self coaching book would enable you to maximize your potential. You would recognize your personal powers and claim freedom from self sabotaging beliefs. It shall empower you with constant motivation to practice and enable you to build a resilient muscle over time.
Here is, how to order this book as a pre launch or gift version: I invite you to leave a comment below with your views. The first 10 comments can avail my upcoming book as a gift commitment on this auspicious occasion of Gandhi Jayanti! You may just need to tag me @DeepAhujaSharma, and add #LEADbyBelievinginYourself” while posting your comment.
Post 2nd Oct, you may leave a comment below or right to me on my personal window, to receive a copy of this book only at $3USD (50% of the proceeds from the book shall go towards a NGO, supporting under privileged children’s education)
Happy Gandhi Jayanti!
About the Author: “The purpose of my life is to co create a space for people (clients, colleagues and community) to believe in self and receive everything they aspire to achieve” Deep Ahuja Sharma, is an ICF Certified Global Coach, leadership consultant and group facilitator. She has published her contributions in four anthologies/ books. Amongst which, her latest book is Coaching Mantras, which she has conceptualized, co edited and co designed with 16 coaches from across the globe, who are a part of their 'Transformational Leadership Coaching' Community. Being the Managing Partner, India office of TPC Leadership, she has been awarded as a 'Women Achiever in Entrepreneurship' in 2018-19. She constantly looks forward to learn, be agile, innovate, co create and LEAD holistically. She concurs with @Robin Sharma's quote - "Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results".
I help coaches, consultants, mentors, and small business owners. Together, we create intelligent sales systems. Daily, we generate highly qualified potential clients. All this with less effort and more predictability.
3yGreat, Deep :)
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3yDeep Ahuja Sharma, Helping professionals thrive and 'LEAD' I am sure the book is going to help transform professionals into their desired versions. The exercises are the best part here. #LEADByBelievinginYourself
Leadership & Business Strategist enabling Corporate Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Organisations become future ready and thrive by aligning STRATEGY with PURPOSE | Founder of SHEmantra Community
3yDeep Ahuja Sharma, Helping professionals thrive and 'LEAD' I loved the exercise. It’s a powerful visualisation! I do think it starts here… #LEADbyBelievinginYourself
OmniUp Americas / WorldWide Meetings and Events, LLC
3ySpot on
Global Account Management | Customer Experience | Digital Transformation | Business Development | Operational Excellence | Service Delivery l Leadership Development | Coaching | ICF - PCC
3yThis is so true, Bapu was the epitome of self less servant leadership and an inspirational role model for young leaders. Kudos Deep Ahuja Sharma, Helping professionals transform and 'LEAD'