Leading in a fundamentally changing world
Speaking about responsible leadership at #IBConf21

Leading in a fundamentally changing world

What is responsible leadership? That’s the big question that takes centerstage at this year’s annual conference hosted by Imperial College Business School this week. It is the first time I speak in my capacity as Chair of the Advisory Board of Imperial’s new Leonardo Centre, a research centre for sustainable business, which will formally launch on 16 June. With this cross-disciplinary, multi-faculty and stakeholder-oriented centre of excellence, the Leonardo Centre is setting out to explore what defines the new logic of business enterprise and the new type of responsible business leadership the world needs in the Decade of Action. I am stepping into this new role in the hope that we can help close the gap between rhetoric and action and promote a radical rethink of the role of board directors and C-suite leaders as drivers for sustainable change.

New challenges require new skills

No MBA degree or leadership toolbox alone equip today’s leaders for the complex and interconnected changes we are facing. Five-year strategy-cycles and annual business planning processes are no guarantee for staying relevant and future-fit in a fundamentally changing world. Responsible leadership is a dynamic and continuous exercise of seeing, understanding and addressing your organization’s role in society and in the market, tackling three mutually reinforcing sets of emergencies and their impact on stakeholders: The climate emergency, the biodiversity emergency, and the growing socio-economic divide.

Not from a perspective of “how can we do less harm?” but from the perspective of “how can we transform our business model to become net-zero, regenerative, fair and equitable?” The new logic of enterprise is one which defies and rewrites the playbooks for modern capitalism. Economic growth can be generated without the irreparable erosion of planetary systems, and competitiveness can be achieved while also guaranteeing living wages and decent working conditions for all workers in the value chain. It’s about moving from a zero-sum logic to a net-positive logic, creating a circular economy.

Disruption paves the way for change

We have seen it before. Major disruptions like the COVID-19 crisis generate upheaval and social pain, but it can also be a catalyst for change that Phoenix-like, paves the way for new thinking and approaches to rise from the ashes. Leadership is about admitting where we went wrong in the past and learning from these mistakes as we move forward. The hard truth is that our failure to create a more socially just world before COVID-19 has significantly worsened the current crisis and will hamper our ability to recover faster.

An unprecedented 255 million jobs were lost during the outbreak and wiped out the past two decades of progress in eliminating extreme poverty. The worst impacted people are those who are working in the informal economy, many of them women. As we recover from the crisis, we also need to come to terms with the fact that many of those businesses which flourished during the pandemic did so on the precarity of their workers: low-income people who delivered our food and other goods when the world was in lockdown, loosely attached to the workforce in the so-called gig-economy, without social protection or rights.

A new social contract is emerging

As we come together to rebuild our economies from the ashes of the COVID-19 crisis, we have a unique opportunity to create a more resilient, sustainable and fair world. And it will happen with a fundamentally changed understanding of leadership accountability and fiduciary duty. We are already seeing signals of this. Financial flows are changing, with public and private funding gravitating towards net-zero, sustainable investments. Add to that the rise of shareholder activism led by large institutional investors, who are ready to punish companies that fail to deliver concrete proof-points of how they proactively manage their risks and opportunities in delivering on the Paris Climate Agreement, or who fail to set ESG targets as part of executive pay schemes. While this agenda to a large degree has been shaped by environmental concerns, the COVID-19 crisis has created a new awareness of companies’ social accountability. Take Deliveroo, the Amazon-backed app-delivery service, for example, that failed with their planned IPO when multiple fund managers decided not to back the business due to concerns of workers’ rights. Or the previous CEO of Rio Tinto who, despite strong business performance, had to step down after having failed to take into account the rights of aboriginal peoples in Australia to protect their cultural heritage from the mining company’s activities. Business accountability for human rights, also including environmental and social justice beyond what is legally required, is the next chapter in the responsible leadership book.


A renaissance for a new type of humanism 

But back to the Leonardo Centre and the legendary polymath and renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci, that the centre has borrowed its name from. His credo was: “To develop a complete mind: study the science of art; study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else.” My hope for the coming years is that we will see a renaissance for a new type of humanism that puts compassion for people and everything living at the heart of responsible leadership. Which understands that the health of people, nature and planet connects with everything else. I look forward to exploring this new leadership ethos and logic of enterprise together with the Leonardo Centre’s comprehensive network of academic scholars and business leaders. 
Jesper Høiland

Strategic Advisor at Pharmaco Consult / Board member.


To the point !!

Alexander Díaz

Director of Corporate Communication at ARCO Relations, focused on strategic pr, AI-powered marcom and PRoyectos de País, to achieve Big Leaps. | Climate-change advocacy via mission vehicle COMMON Future.


I just saw the repost of this column in GreenBiz. Hadn't seen this one previously. But that's why we repost, right, because it doesn't matter where or when one sees it. The important thing is to see it, and in this case to follow your work at the Leonardo Center. ¡Enhorabuena!

Darren Catterall

Partnerships Manager - Learning and Development - Executive Presence and Presentation Coaching


It's either that or widespread global collapse of human societies as the climate changes, oceans collapse and our forests disappear. It's pretty much the only hope in town worth hoping for.

Federico Renzo Grayeb

Intercultural and Conscious Leadership consultant


What a wonderfully inspiring article on conscious leadership. Well done Lise!

Katarzyna Gardapkhadze

Organisational and Leadership Excellence for Democracy and Rights. Opinions are exclusively my own.


Thank you so much, Lise, for this critically important voice! I would love to be a part of this discussion, together with other leaders at the Responsible Leadership Academy !


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