Legal Departments - AI/Bots, LLM AI, AI Agents, Hives, Behavioural Tech And AI's Ability To Own LLC's
Updated June 24, 2024
Legal departments must change to address the arrival of AI, digital/physical bots, digital assistants, hives, behavioural tech and AI's ability to own LLC's. All of this is rapidly bringing new legal risks to your enterprise. That's what this article dives into.
Problem #1 - AI/Bots Contracts & Identity
I have a dumb question for you. As your enterprise deploys AI systems/physical bots/digital bots, interacts with external AI systems, and as risk rises, how can you specify in a contract the identity of the entity? Answer - today on the planet there isn't any legal identity framework for your enterprise to rapidly leverage.
This will increasingly become required as the Evil Inc.s of the planet quickly create AI systems and bots that can masquerade as the entity. Thus, you and your IT/Security departments are going to have to create your own internal standards of how to identify these entities, which you'll then enter them into contracts with third parties stating what they can and can't do, etc.
Problem #2 - LLM AI
There are several contractual challenges with your enterprise jumping on the LLM (Large Language Models) AI bandwagon:
Problem #3 - AI Agents
Skim “AI Leveraged Smart Digital Identities of Us”. One doesn't have to be smart to see what's coming into your enterprise. Your various departments will begin buying AI agents to do much more with less people. Your marketing/sales departments will want to all your customers to leverage their AI agents/smart digital identities to interact with your enterprise. ALL OF WHICH COMES WITH LOTS OF NEW RISKS.
Your first contractual challenge is tying an AI agent to an employee/contractor/customer or supplier. For example, how can you prove it's Jane Doe's AI payable agent? How is this then tied to Jane Doe's identity within your enterprise?
To see examples of what's coming skim these articles:
Your next contractual challenge is in specifying what an AI agent can and can't do. So, you might want to limit within a contract with your AI agent supplier what Jane Doe's AI payable agent can and can't do. How is this then enforced by your internal identity access management systems re authorization, security, etc.?
I strongly suggest you skim “AI Agent Authorization - Identity, Graphs & Architecture”.
Problem #4 - Hives
Skim these three articles:
As AI agents, AI systems and IoT devices explode within your enterprise, you can easily see the creation of "hives". THIS TOO IS FULL OF NEW RISKS.
As per the hives article above, based on risk, you're going to have to create legal contracts, on the fly, which:
Problem #5 - Behavioural Tech
Skim to the section titled "Malicious Molly" in “New Physical/Cybersecurity Security Model”. In the not-so-distant future the price points for using behavioural tech allowing your employees, contractors, suppliers and customers will drop. IT COMES WITH NEW RISKS. Thus, now is the time for you folks to get your contracts ready stating what's acceptable, what's now, how the tech can be used, where it can be used etc.
Skim “Zero Trust On Steroids! Rethinking Security Models For Citizens And Enterprises In The Age of AI Agents And Tech” and “Part III AI, Bots, Behaviour Tech & Security Models”.
Problem #6 - AI's Ability To Own a LLC
It's already happened within one jurisdiction. Skim ““Legal Identity Vs. Legal Personhood”. So, you folks need to determine what the potential liability is for your enterprise when you enter into contracts with LLC's owned by AI systems. If the risk is medium to high, then you should think through how you're going to specify in contracts with potential LLC's, a requirement for them to state who the owner of the company is.
Problem #7 - Keeping Up With The Pace Of Change
Look at this curve. It shows a logarithmic rate of tech change we can now no longer cognitively keep up with. Which begs this question - 'How can your department keep up with your current workload and yet, at the same time, assess the legal/contractual changes you need to be making from the new tech?"
In problem #5 in the CISO article, it states:
"The rapid rate of change means your old ways of securely running your enterprise aren't going to work well as change comes at every department from the side and head-on.
My message to your Board and C-suite? You folks should strongly consider creating a new "Innovation & Risk Committee" WHICH MEETS DAILY, WITH REPRESENTATION FROM ALL PARTS OF YOUR COMPANY. Skim “Part IV Enterprise Risk & Innovation Governance”.
Read my message to Boards, “Getting Your Company Ready for AI/tech- What Boards Need to Know” . It recommends a board member sit in on the meetings at least once every two weeks."
Legal is one of the key departments which must be a major player on the new committee.
All The Above Is Crying Out For A Rethought Legal Identity Architecture
I've spent the last 8 years slowly working my way through it and now have the architecture, budgets, etc.
Note: What drove me into this was I wanted to rethink learning. I realized years ago I couldn't do this until I'd created a rethought legal identity architecture for humans, AI systems and bots. Once I arrived with this, I then created an out of the box learning architecture.
To See My Message To Governments & Industry Leaders
To See The Architectures
To See The Costs
The Chances of Most Local Jurisdictions Rapidly Adopting This Are Slim To None
Which is why, this past September, I put myself in the shoes of an enterprise CISO. I asked myself what my enterprise should be doing to rapidly leverage tech innovation, while mitigating risks? To see my answers skim these two articles:
You'll see me thinking outside the box.
Summary - You're Entering A Major Paradigm Shift
Where your old ways aren't going to work well anymore. Thus, it requires out of the box thinking, for your out of the box times. If you'd like to chat, contact me.
About Guy Huntington
I'm an identity trailblazing problem solver. My past clients include Boeing, Capital One and the Government of Alberta's Digital Citizen Identity & Authentication project. Many of my past projects were leading edge at the time in the identity/security space. I've spent the last eight years working my way through creating a new legal identity architecture and leveraging this to then rethink learning.
I've also done a lot in education as a volunteer over my lifetime. This included chairing my school district's technology committee in the 90's - which resulted in wiring most of the schools with optic fiber, behind building a technology leveraged school, and past president of Skills Canada BC and Skills Canada.
I do short term consulting for Boards, C-suites and Governments, assisting them in readying themselves for the arrival of AI systems, bots and AI leveraged, smart digital identities of humans.
I've written LOTS about the change coming. Skim the over 100 LinkedIn articles I've written, or my webpage with lots of papers.
Quotes I REALLY LIKE!!!!!!:
Reference Links:
An Identity Day in The Life:
My Message To Government & Industry Leaders:
National Security:
Rethinking Legal Identity, Credentials & Learning:
Learning Vision:
Recommended by LinkedIn
AI Agents:
AI/Human Legal Identity/Learning Cost References
AI Leveraged, Smart Digital Identities of Humans:
Companies, C-Suites and Boards:
Legal Identity & TODA:
Enterprise Articles:
Rethinking Enterprise Architecture In The Age of AI:
LLC's & AI:
Challenges With AI:
New Security Model:
Legal Identity:
Identity, Death, Laws & Processes:
Open Source:
Climate Change, Migration & Legal Identity:
Behavioral Marketing:
AI Systems and Bots:
Contract Law:
AI/AR/VR Metaverse Type Environments:
EMP/HEMP Data Centre Protection:
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of Legal Human Identity
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of The Learning Vision: