Let’s dive in: Synthetic Data vs Sample Weighting in Market Research

Let’s dive in: Synthetic Data vs Sample Weighting in Market Research

Market research is all about understanding your target audience, but that can be difficult when reviewing cryptic (or incomplete) raw data – it needs some deciphering to reveal the real story. That's where sample weighting and synthetic data come in, to help you clarify your target audience’s reality.

This article will explore the fascinating techniques of sample weighting and synthetic data—the intricate details of each, their historical roots, and their value in empowering you to paint a crystal-clear picture of your target audience. Put your snorkel on, and let's dive in!!!

Statistical Weighting: Balancing the Scales

In market research, sample weighting plays a pivotal role in adjusting survey data to represent target populations accurately.

Imagine a survey on music preferences conducted at a rock concert. The data would be skewed towards rock fans, misrepresenting the general population's tastes. Statistical weighting (or sample weighting) addresses this by assigning importance scores to data points. People from demographics that are underrepresented in the sample (e.g., classical music listeners, social class, gender, etc) get higher weights, ensuring their voices are heard and fully factored into the overall picture.

As another example, say a survey is evaluating whether adults use a particular social media platform. Survey respondents are 70% young adults and 20% older adults, but the actual breakdown between the two age groups in the population is 50/50. Without weighting, analysis of the survey results would skew toward how young adults respond. However, by weighting the data (higher weight for older adults), you can have a more accurate representation of the actual social media use in the entire target population.


A Peek into the Past:

The development of statistics as a tool for social scientists began to take shape in the 16th and 17th centuries, primarily to aid in demographic studies of population and mortality. This movement emerged almost simultaneously in Italy, Germany, and England, and later spread to France, Switzerland, and Belgium. In pursuit of refining statistical methods, researchers drew inspiration from mathematics and even astronomy.

The fundamental statistical concepts we rely on today for quantitative research, such as regression, correlation, average, median, standard deviation, sampling error, confidence level, analysis of variance, sample weight, and sampling types, largely stem from the work of the following authors:


For us, market and opinion researchers, the true pioneer and our "godfather" was George Gallup (1901-1995) in the United States. He was the trailblazer of survey sampling, using scientific methods to gauge public opinion. His work had a profound impact on politics, business, and social research. In 1936, he achieved national recognition by correctly predicting, based on the responses of just 50,000 interviewees, that Franklin D. Roosevelt would defeat Alf Landon in the US presidential election.

Pros for Market Research:

  • Simpler to Implement: Statistical software often has built-in weighting functions.
  • Preserves Relationships: Weights maintain the original data structure and relationships between variables (e.g., age and social media use).
  • Handles Missing Data: It can be used to address missing data by assigning weights based on the characteristics of the observed data.
  • Combats Bias: Corrects for over/under-representation in samples, leading to more accurate insights. Compensates for differential probabilities of selection among subgroups (including age-sex-race/ethnicity subdomains or people living in different geographic areas being sampled at different rates);
  • Survey control: when conducting surveys over time or in waves, weighting helps mirror the social demographics from the original survey to ensure target and quotas are consistent for each study, mitigating bias variation.
  • Tailors Analysis: Allows incorporating different response probabilities for various demographics. 

Cons in Market Research:

  • Relies on Good Data: Weighting relies on the initial data being unbiased. Biases in the sample itself cannot be fully corrected through weighting.
  • Selection Bias: If certain groups were systematically excluded during data collection (e.g., no internet access for a survey), weighting might not be enough to reflect the characteristics of the population.
  • Limited Anonymity: The original data distribution can potentially be revealed by analyzing the weighting scheme.

According to GeoPoll, in order to reduce the negative impacts of data weighting, it’s recommended to weight by as few variables as possible. As the number of weighting variables goes up, the greater the risk that the weighting of one variable will confuse or interact with the weighting of another variable. Also, when data must be weighted, it’s best to minimize the sizes of the weights. A general rule of thumb is to never weight a respondent less than .5 (a 50% weighting) nor more than 2.0 (a 200% weighting).

Synthetic Data: Creating Lookalikes

Imagine creating a new, anonymized dataset that accurately captures the characteristics and demographics of your original survey data. This is synthetic data: artificial data that mimics the statistical properties (averages, correlations) of the original data. Think of it as generating realistic "fake people" with age distributions, social demographics, and social media habits that resemble the original survey data.

Synthetic data can be especially useful in scenarios where privacy concerns loom large. For instance, healthcare market research often grapples with stringent privacy regulations. Synthetic data enables researchers to conduct analyses without compromising patient confidentiality.


What’s the History of Synthetic Data?

A 2021  NVIDIA article explains that synthetic data has actually existed and been in use for decades—for example, it’s been applied in computer games like flight simulators and in scientific simulations. The article highlights Donald B. Rubin, a Harvard statistics professor, whose 1993 paper is often credited as the origin of the term “synthetic data.” He is quoted as saying: 

“I used the term synthetic data in that paper referring to multiple simulated datasets. Each one looks like it could have been created by the same process that created the actual dataset, but none of the datasets reveal any real data — this has a tremendous advantage when studying personal, confidential datasets.”


An AWS article defines two main types of synthetic data:

· Partial synthetic data:  replaces only a segment of a real dataset with generated information, often to protect sensitive details (i.e. you might synthesize names and contact info to anonymize an existing data set). 

· Full synthetic data: generates fully new data that mimics the relationships, distributions, and statistical properties of real data but contains no actual “real world” data. This can be useful for testing machine learning models when real-world training data is limited.


Benefits for Market Research:

  • Protects Privacy: It offers strong privacy protection as the original data points are not revealed. This is crucial for surveys containing sensitive information like finances or health.
  • Addresses Selection Bias: By incorporating external data sources (e.g., census data), synthetic data can potentially mitigate selection bias present in the original data and balance out an imperfect sample of “real data”.

  • Mitigates Data Scarcity Challenges: Creates diverse datasets when real data is scarce or difficult to obtain.
  • Scenario Exploration: Allows for the creation of diverse datasets to explore various market scenarios without recruiting a sample.

Challenges to Consider:

  • Model Dependence: The quality of the synthetic data heavily relies on the model used for generation. Poor models can lead to inaccurate data.
  • Computational Cost: Generating high-quality synthetic data requires sophisticated algorithms and significant computing power, which can be costly and difficult to effectively achieve.


Choosing the Right Tool:

Sample weighting and synthetic data are invaluable tools for enhancing data quality, addressing biases, and navigating privacy concerns in market research. While statistical weighting corrects biases in existing datasets, synthetic data offers privacy protection and scalability. Understanding their nuances empowers researchers to make better-informed decisions tailored to their research objectives and regulatory requirements for our clients.

  • Sample Weighting: When you have good quality data and want to address under/over-representation within a specific group (e.g. age, social class, gender, etc), it's a simpler and faster approach.

  • Synthetic Data: When privacy is a major concern and you need to anonymize the data for legal or ethical reasons. Or when selection bias is a major concern and the original data collection process might have introduced bias that weighting can't address. However, be aware of the computational cost and potential for model-related inaccuracies.

Remember: The best approach depends on your specific research question, data availability, and resources. By understanding and having the resources to implement these techniques, you can unlock valuable insights from your market research data.



Imagine you're a market researcher, constantly chasing the next big trend. Lately, everyone's talking about  Big Data, Blockchain, the Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural language learning (NLL) and, the newest one, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), becoming easier and cheaper to use, just like the latest smartphone. Think about how quickly chatGPT went from a cool experiment to a powerful conversation tool, and how AI is getting more independent! This is bound to have a massive impact on the world of synthetic data, and it might happen sooner than we expect.

That's when things get really interesting for market research. We might reach a point where synthetic data becomes so incredibly realistic, it's impossible to tell the difference from the real thing. Imagine creating detailed profiles of your target audience, not based on surveys, but on hyper-realistic simulations!

So, when will that day come? It's hard to say for sure. But one thing's for certain: with technology evolving at breakneck speed, it might be closer than we think. This could revolutionize market research, allowing us to understand customer behavior in ways never before possible. Just think of the possibilities!

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


Rafael Conde Cháirez

Head of Innovation, Insights & Strategy


'Gartner' graphic is really hard to digest... need to be ready for it.. Nice article!

Gustavo Lorente

Sócio e Administrador na Guaru Mármores e Granitos


Amazing!! 🙌🏻


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