Letter to the Belmarsh Prison
Le 22 Octobre 2019
Sir Rob Davis
Governor of Belamrsh
HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
London SE28 0EB
Situation report 1
Prisoner of opinion : Julian Assange (03/07/1971)
Prison : Belmarsh
Prisoner Number: A 93 79 AY
Subject: Request for information on mandate
representation in the case EAW 131226-10
European Arrest Warrant File No.
AM 131226-10 :
File No. RCJ CO/1925/2011
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are a French human rights association (see doc attached).
We are very concerned about the situation of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange (see attached report).
At the hearing on 21/10/2019 at which two of our delegates were present, he expressed his difficulty in organising his defence. He does not have access to his lawyers, a computer, his documents.
As you are aware, this is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (see report)
Moreover, he does not receive his mail and his friends cannot communicate with him. We have opened accounts and paid the required amounts of money so that he can communicate with us, either by email or by phone. We sent him packages. Some of our members send him weekly letters
Mr. Assange must be able to communicate freely with us. If he cant, It is also a violation of the above-mentioned legal texts.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to :
- to inform Mr. Julian Paul Assange that we want to contact him.
- To make an appointment as soon as possible with one of our teams so that it can assess the state of health of Mr Julian Paul Assange who, in view of the hearing of 11/10/2019 (see report) and 21/10/2019, is in a state of mental and physical health incompatible with incarceration. Our teams include a doctor, a psychiatrist, a translator, one or two delegates and a lawyer if necessary. As stipulated in the laws in force, a guard may observe these interviews behind a window but under no circumstances may he hearing them.
We also ask you to please answer all the questions asked in the report by attaching all the evidence requested
- Number of weekly visits received by Mr. Julian Paul Assange since he’s in jail. Names and links of visitors (Prison stamp as proof).
- Number of visits by lawyers since Julian Paul Assange has been in prison. Names of lawyers, day, time and date of visits. (Prison stamp as proof).
- Number of medical visits and medical reports to be sent to our doctors. (Prison stamp as proof).
- Duration of Mr Julian Paul Assange's placement in isolation, reason and medical follow-up. (Prison stamp as proof).
- Access to mail, reading, visits, fresh air, computer, etc. (Prison stamp as proof).
- Clear and detailed explanations on the distribution and loss of mail and packages.
- Explanation of repeated refusals of visits made to friends or citizen. We have received many complaints and kept evidence of these refusals.
The facts mentioned in this letter are very serious.
Today, at the hearing on 21/10/2109, Julian Paul Assange reiterated that he had no access to a computer, his lawyers or his documents, which is a clear violation of international law and is punishable by severe penalties for any official who complicit in it by obeying manifestly illegal orders. He also said: "they know the interior of my life with my psychologist". He testifys and he shows signs of serious psychological torture, torture already denounced by the Nils Melzer report.
Torture is a crime punishable by imprisonment.
Torture is a crime punishable by imprisonment. In the UN prison manual, it is clearly stated that there is no excuse for anyone is guilty of it.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to arrange a first meeting with Mr. Julian Paul Assange as soon as possible so that we can ensure that he's not in danger well, that he can defend himself freely and that all international rules relating to prison management are properly applied.
For WikiJustice Julian Assange
Véronique Pidancet Barrière
Copy of this letter sent:
At the UN
At the English Parliament
At the European Parliament
Ministry of Justice
Prisoners' defence associations
As for our official letters, this letter will be made public on all our sites so that citizens are informed of our actions. So are the answer(s).