Life-Changing Awareness!
Much earlier in my life I was a professional actress, and one of my many roles was playing a “Nurse” in one segment – “Wolf in the Fold” – in the Original Series of “Star Trek.” I got to wear the little light blue outfit and the hairdresser gave me an “out of this world” up-do!
That was in 1967 and it was a 1-day shoot at Desilu Studios in Hollywood. Now, 57 years later, I was invited to appear at the 3-day “Destination Star Trek” convention in Blackpool, England – which was July 2024! I signed photographs (lifted from the film footage) that people paid for, had professional photographs taken with attendees who paid to have the photos, did Q & A panels on the main stage, AND had some remarkable experiences that changed my life!
I’ve posted a photo from the “Wolf in the Fold” segment in case you are a “Star Trek” fan and remember the segment.
And while I get another post ready for you about all this, make sure to check out what might be useful to you --- from the work I’ve been doing since I retired from acting and became a clinical psychologist and married Jim Sniechowski, PhD.
#jackielyles, #jimSniechowski, #signedayhoff, #krystalyamarie, #kevineyres
Podcast Host
6moLife changing experiences indeed. Looking forward to your next post.🤗
Chief Digital Information Officer
6moJim & Judith! Two of my most favorite people on Earth (or galaxy)!
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6moThose babes on Star Trek were hot for an adolescent boy -(still hot today as an Adult lol ) - most of the women on the original series were pretty stunning - the original Star Trek was well written and story driven (before CGI) - have watched series shows numerous times... It never fails to disappoint - The Joan Collins episode still gives me chills and was so heart wrenching for Captain James T Kirk - still hear him saying at the end of the show "Let's get the Hell out of Here" - great great series
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6moJudith I'm a huge Star Trek fan and now have to watch back this episode to spot you!