There is life outside the Rio x São Paulo axis
I recently arrived from an event in São Paulo, the #HR4results, said to be the biggest HR event in Latin America, grandiose, no? In fact.
But what really caught my attention in these two days of exchanges and the like, is that I was the only one in a “far” state, at least to which I could perceive. And when I asked at the stands “do you have any customers in the agro sector?” or “do you have any customers in Mato Grosso?” or “do you have any idea of what it is like to serve customers far from the Rio x SP axis?”, all the answers were negative.
Which leads one to think, is the home office and the search for talents outside the “metropolises” really having an effect? I say it loud and clear, I was the only person outside the globalized world talking about access to inclusion and diversity in the agricultural environment.
Of the more than 70 lectures, I was able to attend three that talked about these aspects. Which is really worrying, since the DE&I theme is seen as a strategic “moment” for companies and how it helps with engagement and employer branding.
Fighting for your outside access is exhausting, but a thousand times rewarding. Today I know that I am leaving a legacy in an industry that until five months ago was/or still is sexist and homophobic.
I say and repeat, a change in culture takes time, and the journey is long and full of obstacles. But, realizing that people are able to be who they are, is aggrandizement.
The only tip I can give you who made it this far, remember someone in the interior of Brazil, who is fighting for a more diverse and inclusive world. You are not alone.
Let's go together in this?
Finanças | Performance | Gestão de KPIs/Indicadores | Analytics | Melhoria Processos
2ySeu post abriu os meus olhos para uma realidade que temos no país. Obrigada por compartilhar :)
Gestão de Projetos | Planejamento Financeiro | Logística | Transformação Corporativa | Diversidade e Inclusão
2yO papel das empresas é fundamental nas regiões longe dos grandes centros! Muito bom Mateus 👏🏻!
34º TOP 200 INFLUENCER LINKEDIN BRASIL CEO e CO-Founder MGM Group | CEO e FOUNDER MGM ESTANDES | Pai do Matheus e Giovanni.
2yMateus Arantes 🏳️🌈 Tentando te enviar convite de conexão, mas daqui não está indo, se puder tentar daí, serei muito grato, abraço.
Forbes Under 30 🏆 | Palestrante | Pessoas e Cultura, ESG, DE&I | Inovação e Impacto Social | LinkedIn Creator
2y👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Adorei te ver no evento querido!!