How an "achievement journal" can improve your wellbeing
Many times you might be feeling that you are not good enough or life is not treating you well. I do get that and it is okay to feel low. Have you ever thought though that you have achieved many things in your life so far? This is method that I am using in my coaching to help to tackle your emotional anxiety or sadness.
We are keep forgetting what we have achieved and how far we have come. Even the fact that you are still here and you are trying every day to have a better life that means something, don't underestimate it. Life can be tough and as I have said many times life is not just rainbows and sunshine. The main thing is to learn how to tackle all those challenges until the rainbow comes up again.
We all have a "grading" system of how we feel or reacting to a situation. Sensitive people might be more vulnerable in some cases and that's when you need to rationalize the situation and think more logically than emotionally. Emotions indeed can cloud our judgment. They can make you feel lost if you allow to your emotions to be your pilot in life. Being emotionally fit is very important. When something unpleasant or sad happens in your life try to stop for a second distance yourself from the situation mentally and think what would you say if it was someones' else situation? By doing this you are distancing yourself emotionally from the situation and that will help you to stay calmer and capable of find a solution.
It is like what we teach in First Aid Training Stop Think Act.
I was feeling "lost" myself when I lost my best friend and up to this moment I miss her every day. Feeling sad daily though just made me ill and nothing changed, did it? She cant come back to life right? I had to find a way to cope with this loss. Yes, there will be days that you just miss that person and you want to dwell a little bit but don't stay there.
Unfortunately bad things happen and we cannot do anything about it because it is out of our control. That moment I am trying to distance myself and think the good moments that we shared and that she wouldn't want me to feel sad. It is not easy but who said that life is easy especially when it comes to losing a dear person?.
Every time you feel low please write down what you have done so far and I am not referring to money or success. I am referring to the fact that you are still here and trying to make the most of it. That is called BRAVERY.
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I call this the "achievement board" Have a journal and every Friday or Sunday write down what you have achieved this week and whenever you feel low go and read that journal. No one knows what you have been through and you shouldn't have to explain yourself to anyone including close fiends or family. You know what you have done to be here today no one else does. People easily can judge. Do not allow to anyone including yourself to put you down.
Life will smile at you if you smile back at it. Be a half full glass person and trust me your life will change. I have trust in God and I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Yes, many times we can't understand the reason but maybe something worse could have happened. Chin up and smile because it could have been worse.
There is always a worse scenario of what you are living now, trust me.
Have a nice weekend and don't think too much.
Nadia - First Aid Instructor & Wellness Coach