A long day at Testit 2021

A long day at Testit 2021

Written text is my reflections and a summary of the conversation taking place on the stage at Testit on the 11th November 2021 in Malmö. Is this information still relevant? Ofcourse it is and the panel discussion highlights this. A lot has happened since this November day in 2021, not only to the world but for me as a test lead at AddPro. Ive gained a few more years of experience, grown as a person and expanded my network.


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S:T Gertrud Malmö, Sweden

The story begins. Testit isn't completely new to me to be honest, but it's been a while since I've even thought about it. I actually even worked with a few of the organisers, however this is my first time out at this test driven conference (pun intended). Testit is a one day conference hosted by Knowit focusing on everything test with the tagline by testers for testers. It's basically a forum for us testers and people interested in testing where we can share our experiences, skills, network and inspire one and another.  

I'm looking around and it seems like most people have come in pairs but I'm here on my own. Maybe I'll be able to take someone back to the office. The program is filled with a mixture of presentations, tracks for discussions and in-depth subjects related to testing. I have my path fairly lined up but we'll see how the day progresses.  


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First out is Anna Gamaliasson from Region Skåne with the topic of Building a test organisation from scratch. She begins with brief presentation of her background and continues to discuss the differences and similarities between working at a large private sector company compared to a big public sector organisation. Some of her key points revolves around outsourcing, complex system landscapes, values, data laws, regulations, politics, graphical interfaces and integrations. Wow, thats a lot. Testing at her current workplace Region Skåne is a complex process but they manage to navigate obstacles and believe it or not, they work just like we do at AddPro with planning, sprints, retrospectives and demos. I found time during the QA session to ask her how they work with testing on outsourced projects. Anna explained that her teams role in outsourced projects revolves more around acceptance test and not in-sprint-exploratory-testing. I'll try and find time to pick her brain about test expectations from a consultancy agency. 


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Jimmy Dahlqvist is next on stage. Let's hear him out on CI/CD as the last line of defence. The DevOps trend with increased rate of changes, microservices and "automate everything" are amongst his opening lines. "Devops basically empowers dev teams to own, run and manage E2E deliveries". End result = bugs and defects are found and fixed at a higher and faster rate. This is why I absolutely love test automation. I'll probably do a piece on this later but testing code as it's committed to a development branch enables us to spot bug and thereby stopping it from being merged to working code. It's also important to note the difference between a bug and a defect where a bug is an error in code that breaks functionality while a defect is a deviation from requirement. Moving on to teams, Jimmy mentions what a dev team should consist of.  

Fun analogy: how big should a team be? Enough people to be fed by two pizzas (4-6 people). 

A repeatable environment is important for CD to work and this is solved by version control (think Git). If Jimmy gives 10 people instructions on how to build an environment, he'll get at least 3 different types environments because people makes mistakes. Computers don't. Hence automate all that can be automated within the constraints of a budget. 

Jimmy gives us the example of pull requests with parallel unit testing that leads to finding errors earlier and stopping code from reaching functional code. This blocks the merges and feedbacks the developer using Slack as an example. I personally remember working on a project a few months ago where Slack was fully integrated into the pipeline. The best thing with this was that I was tagged in a message in one of our pipeline channels when a commit failed. This was extremely helpful since it meant that we didn’t need to sit and wait for the outcome from our commits. 

Moving on to canary testing = realising bitwise code, say 10% compared to Blue-Green where old production code is at Blue and new production code is on Green environment. If something breaks at green then re-route users to Blue until Green is fixed.  

Rollback vs fix at sight strategy 

Jimmy had a few really good points on automated UI testing + Blue/Green and canary environments. I had thoughts and questions to ask as usual. This time, Sasan the moderator from Knowit had a microphone ready for us. I asked for his reflections on A/B with green/blue vs canary: Canary is ace for A/B since we shift parts of the traffic to different environments. This enables us to get real data for smoke testing. He was quick to point out that some organisations prefer not to do testing on live subjects so this needs to be taken into consideration. I'm a big fan of A/B testing so I'll do an article on that later and probably involving SharePoint as the subject. 


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Huib Schoots takes the stage

I love a good story. Sometimes I think that I'm a great story teller but I'm fairly sure that I'm not, that's why I love a good story from a really good story teller. 

Huib Schoots is one! He says that testers should be good story tellers but only for other testers because we get each other. However, he hates the stories testers tell so that's why he is here. He has more books on story telling then on tests. Now he jokes that he has a certificate in master story telling. 

Check this out; back in the day (before) Internet, there were people riding on horses between towns telling stories. Stories then turned into music and here we are. 

He shows a Budweiser Super Bowl advert featuring a dog and a horse. Why? Because it tells a good story. Here's a link to it: Budweiser: Super Bowl XLVIII Puppy Love #BudEpicAds 

He then mentions how the hero's journey can be translated to Star Wars (Luke Skywalker) and Harry Potter (Harry) before he explains the testing story. 

The testing story split into three points:  

(1) Explain the bug and issue.  

(2) How did we tested it, what type of tests did we run? Performance, smoke? Regression? Unit?  

(3) Tell the results. Don't just show the graph, make it into a story. 

The best way to learn how to test a application is to get someone to tell a story how they use it. Show the image being built rather than the finished picture. 

Take a look at context free questions list! 

11.30 lunch and mingle


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Panel run by Sasan Fallahi (Knowit QSS)

(A friendly reminder that written text is my reflections of the conversations taking place on the stage) 

Panel time - "the most important skills to develop as a tester" with previous speakers Huib Shoots, Anna Gamalielsson, Jimmy Dahlqvist, Knowit QSS CEO Håkan Ramberg and moderated by Sasan Fallahi. 

What should a junior tester do first? 

Get a certificate? Yes and no. Most important is to start testing. Learning them tricks vs learning the skills. Tricks comes natural according to Huib. Pairing a junior with a senior is the best way forward. 

Anna says that one of the most important non tech skill as a tester is to take a persona as the user.  

Håkan, CEO highlights the importance of being curious and being able to communicate. Skills on the rise when looking to hiring resolves around experiences in automation and the reasoning why one want to automate.  

Jimmy wishes more knowledge and responsibility within CI/CD and DevOps-type of knowledge from his tester colleagues. He wants his testers to be brave, voice their opinion and start a conversion about why and how. 

Huib builds on the curiosity and persona by saying that no one will refuse a colleague that asks for help so he wants testers to ask developers what they are building and how they are building it.  

Sasan asks how we can ensure developers are writing proper unit tests. 

Jimmy is not a fan of forcing unit test coverage limits such as 80%. He feels that it's possible that developers will write tests only to reach the level without actually improving the quality of the service. I totally agree on this point but I'd rather see 40% real unit tests and 40% filler tests than 30% solid unit tests. 

On the topic of learning 

Jimmy says that you choose one thing and stick to that. He also suggests YouTube as a medium for learning due to the gigantic amount of free resources.  

Huib says that testing is learning. This relates to Håkans answer that learning is done by doing so we need to continue to test things, different things to get a broader way. Huib also wants us to reflect on what we're testing. This is when we're doing the actual learning, by thinking about what we've been doing and filtering unnecessary information. Reflection also enables us to relax, pause and slowdown in order to avoid burn out. 

On the topic of the testing community  

Håkan says that he believes that the community is very open and it's easy to come in. He wants us to continue and strive for the openness. Huib talks about harsh feedback, even if it's negative. We need to create safe spaces for feedback sharing. Feedback is important but sharing false information is more dangerous, therefore he promotes honest feedback. Hurting people is not the objective, rather helping them staying true to facts. 

On the future skills for testers 

Jimmy think we need to encourage better basic coding skills. Anna discusses adaptability and being able to work with different people as a colleague or consultant. This is based on how the working environment is changing while technology is moving forward. Håkan guesses that we're going to see less of apps working as expected and more about the value an app brings to its users, focusing on outcome rather than output. This is a really interesting topic that I'll cover closely another day. Why? Because acceptance testing is about ensuring that the app/site stays true to the objective. The value the same app/site creates evolves over time. It's never given at the point of release and hard to forsee. 

Last question of the panel. We, as testers obviously think that Testers are needed but why won't we let our developers do the testing?. Jimmy says that dvelopers suck at testing period. Anna says that it's about curiosity and this is something of a trait of good testers. I personally think that the tester brain doesn’t come natural to most developers. My experience as a developer and tester says that developers usually do "correct-path-testing". I'm sure that there is another word for this but think of it as testing software the way it's intended to be used contrary to doing boundary testing and trying to break the system or finding defects.  


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Bharti Ahuja track 3 Performance testing with JMeter

Let's dig into her journey as a performance tester. Her learning is fairly self-made with the help of documentation and videos. 

Performance testing is based on the concept of 3 S's: Speed, stability and Scalability.  

Speed is as it sound, a slow app will result in users not using it. 

Stability revolves around stability around the amount of users using it without the performance of the app not decreasing. 

Scalability is about the Scalability of the app around hardware changes and amount of users. 

Types of performance testing: 

  • Load testing  
  • Stress testing 
  • Spike testing  
  • Endurance testing 
  • Scalability testing 
  • Volume testing. 

Today's focus is on load testing.  

Treadmill analogy. Think about the body on a treadmill increasing the speed from 5 to 10. Alot happens to the body. The pulse increases, the steps are taken different, the cadence changes. The same basic idea applies to an applications during load testing. Bharti says that we're putting it on a treadmill (great analogy). 

Different software for load testing: 





Apache JMeter 



Apache jmeter is an open source cross platform built on java. Therefor no need to make any configurations based on operating system. No need to write any scripts and the GUI is simple.  

An example is the use of threads. A thread in JMeterus a virtual user. 

Ramp up is a way to test increase the amount of requests the threads are making to the application. Samplers are actions (http example) or requests JMetermakes on the app. Everything is virtual. 

Listeners gathers information in JMeter. This is where the results is rendered. 

Bhati proceeds to gives us a demo of how to use JMeter. Big Like on the technical demo. I like theory but I love practical elements. She's running a demo of 50 threads on knowit.se. The summary report shows 50x200 requests which is good amount of users and Grade A is given on knowit.se application server. Jmeter also features recording of test using scripted steps and listening port that we set in the browser. It allows us to run the browser and click different elements that are saved in JMeter, just like automated tests. The recorder is manually closed. 

End result: this is a very impressive tool. Big thumbs up. The recording can thereafter be run with multiple threads performing the recorded tasks. 

JMeter comes with a few challenges that that luckily can be solved.  

  • Problem: Sessions not being maintained  
  • Solution: http cookie manager 


  • Problem: Making performance test plan close to real scenarios. 
  • Solutions: Timer which are delays between threads. 


  • Problem: Validating responses 
  • Solutions: assertions 


  • Problem: memory overflow 
  • Solution: increase heap size. Example run in non GUI mode. 

Now to the Q&A. I asked her about throughput average times, what is good? Like comparing Internet speeds where she replied that there is no good answer for it but there is an appendix for application standards. 

Next question from A.J. from Addpro. How does this affect lets say google analytics or youtube? I reckon that threads should hit Google analytics metrics which I think would enable us to cheat views and data. Bhati has never tested this and couldn’t give me an answer on it so I'll do a test on this myself. She showed us how to install and run JMeter and it looked fairly easy.  


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Track 1 journey towards automation, pit falls and possibilities with Jan and Buya from Danish DSB. 

Jan discusses failure and opens up with the classic "failure is the best way to learn". This is true and apply it in various situations.  

Can everything be automated? Definitely not but since test is automated, why not automate everything. In the same sense that if we have a drill, why not drill holes everywhere. Jan also states that the more we automate, the more we need to manual test. Interesting thought that I whole heartitly wouldn’t agree on but I wouldn’t disagree either.  

Challenges with testing according to Jan revolves around management buy in, priorities, high release frequency & when to and not to automate. 

Buya discusses the manual way of testing.  

They perform ad-hoc regression tests and UI testing. A short discussion on failure followed by the topic of "differences between badly written test cases and actual bugs in the code". The importance of a test strategy was core to go from manual testing to automated. The test organisation at DSB aimed for reusable test scripts, maintainable regression suits, clear and distinguished between backend and UI testing. This sounds like what we're all aiming for but how do one implement this? They aimed for 80% test automation (TA) and that test automation needs to be a part of Definition of Done. 

Other important steps to enforce TA was to make stories testable and make technical testers a part of the development team as well as making test automation a part of the overall test strategy across the company. 

From hero to zero; approximately 50% of regression testing were automated. A few pitfalls discover at DSB involved the reverse testing triangle, one tool fits all and that maintenance is not a part or DoD. End points from Jan is test automation is not the cure for all testing, it's not a Swiss army knife, instead it's the best compliment to manual testing. That I agree on! 

As usual, I had questions to ask and this batch of questions revolves around timing of TA and Definition of done. Coming from where I'm from, imagine that the developers finishes their story in sprint one, then the technical testers take over in sprint two, writes and finishes the test automation in this sprint. This results in stories not being done according to their Definition of Done until sprint 2 if they were to follow the set test framework. Sasan filled in on this and agreed that developers usually finish their tasks in the end of the sprint. This makes me think that stories are done much later than expected. 

Here's an example where developers are developing a notepad app: 

Sprint 1: UI team begins and finishes the UI for the app. 

Sprint 2: Developers take over and finishes the app in one sprint. Manuel testers run through it and gives it a green light. 

Sprint 3: Technical tester writes and completes automated tests. 

Given this approach leads to the story taking up atleast three sprints unless developers and technical testers wraps it up in the same sprint. This is however not likely, sorry developers. Technical tester should however be able to write tests based on the UI thereby working in parallel with the developers. The issue here is that UI comes in iterations. Tests written in week 1 can be way of in week 3.


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Huib wraps up todays conference with a final keynote about testing and quality 

What is testing? It's about evaluating a product by learning about it through and through.  

Quality is value to people who matter 

Quality is not a conformance to requirements  

Quality is not the best product possible  

Quality products solve the problem and are good enough  

Value is in the eye if the beholder. WORD! 

Value is perception. 

During software development we need to deal with the unknown because software development is complex but so is also people. There for, we need to work with adaptability and account for risks.  

And on the case of learning, if we value learning then we won't discuss the price. That leads to the question: is the cost of learning justified?

Testability is how easy it is us for to learn about testing. And can everyone test? Of course Huib says even though I beg to differ but it's a matter of how much do you want to be a tester. It's a matter of critical distance and finding problems that matters. Problems are problems that threatens the value of the product and on time deliverables. 

Critical distance is about asking questions and force the dev to think about their potential solution before they start building. This leads to Huib mentioning that TDD is not the best way forward, instead focus on feedback loops. (Plan-so-check-Act).  

We need diverse people, Critical thinkers and creative thinkers. Team collaborations is key to optimize SDLC. Monitor rather than testing in production. A lot of good points from Huib Shoots. He runs a blog that I've been scrolling through. Here's a link to it: 



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And were done. Great day hanging out with testers. I met a few cool people along the way that I'll stay in touch with. Really nice to chat with Knowit Quality CEO Håkan Ramberg as well. 

Wow this was long. I took a lot of notes and pictures while listening to the speakers and I'm fairly surprised by the amount of information that I got now when I'm looking back at this November day almost 2 years ago from today.

I wrote it before and I'll write it again, this stuff is still relevant in 2023.

Tugba Tanören

Digital Solutions manager at itm8 Sweden


Wow vilken sammanfattning A.J. Karikari 👏🏼👏🏼

Håkan Ramberg

Möjliggör högkvalitativ och snabbrörlig systemutveckling mha moderna testkonsulter.


Thank you for a beautiful walk through of your experience from the conference and I am looking forward to see you there again soon! :)

Wow A.J. Karikari, what a nice capture of a busy day! It was a really nice read, thank you for taking the time to share all these insights with the rest of us. Hope to see you and catch up at Testit or elsewhere soon! 🙂

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