Lunch & Launch w/Lawyers
🎵 Help me if you can, I'm feeling down. And I do appreciate you being 'round. Help me get my feet back on the ground... 🎶 🎵
The Beatles perfectly capture the feeling of being at your wit's end and needing somebody to be there for you because you can no longer do it on your own...
Ever experienced deadlines, long work hours, complex matters, and emotional situations in a constantly changing legal industry? We know the answer, and often we don't know how to juggle it all, or who to lean on...
Yesterday was national #StressAwarenessDay and by necessity lawyers are high achievers, often leading to stressors. To succeed in a competitive pressure-cooker environment, exceptional work ethic and perseverance is also a necessity. Stress is inevitable here and this is what I came up with...
Here are 7 of the best stress relievers I've come across
1 / Prioritize you. There is no case, no assignment, nothing that is more important than you. Take care of yourself. Prioritize your peace of mind, your happiness and be the change you want to see in the world. No matter what you choose, each decision you make changes the world in some way.
2 / Align actions with values. You have a stronger internal compass than you know. Consider your values. What do you love? What is important to you? What actions do you want to take, but maybe you are afraid? Challenge your fears. Find your calling or your North Star. What excites you, or gets you into a state of “flow”?
3 / The Golden Rule. Treat others how you want to be treated. Do you really need to send that email in the evening or on Friday night. Let them know if it is not urgent. Think about the people who are your “adversaries” — they are your partners in a larger dispute resolution system. Think about the judges who have full dockets.
4 / Quality beats quantity. Ask most lawyers, we'd rather do quality work, take good care of ourselves, develop relationships and friendships inside and outside of work, and thrive, rather than struggle to just survive. You're not a cog in a machine. Communicate. Let the people know you have a personal event, and that you’ll turn to the assignment when you can be fully present. Take time for things that are important to you. Learn how to say no, kindly.
5 / Relationships, connection & serving. It’s not all about billable hours (or the evolving conversation about value-based, flat fee models). Take time to get out of the office. Spend time with colleagues. Develop organic mentorship experiences with people you value and trust. Add value and serve your colleagues and clients in a way that brings you joy.
6 / Be here now. Enjoy the present moment. Find joy in the little things. Your first legal research assignment. A smooth deposition. Your first oral argument. Sure you will be nervous. But try to enjoy the moment. With experience, you'll see there was nothing to fear. Hone your skills so you can serve your clients and resolve their disputes or build lasting peace.
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7 / Be authentic. Ultimately, your true power is being you. You may feel like you are not good enough, you need to be always on, you need a facade so people will like you and rely upon you. Reject the premise! We want to see the true you. Be you with all of your idiosyncrasies and quirks. You are what you are for a reason. You may not know it but you are perfect just the way you are. Love yourself. And try to resist temptations to compare what you know of yourself to what you think you know about someone else. The person who looks like they have it all together? Not so.
No surprise that being a lawyer entails stressful situations. That does not mean you have to be in a current state of stress. Many of these stressors may not go away, but the way you react to them and manage is up to you. Empower yourself by leaning on trusted sources.
If you found this helpful and know of someone who could benefit, please share this newsletter. ❤️
Here's to building your thriving practice of law and life!
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Viveca Hess | HessConnect |
Consulting 🎯 Coaching 🎯 Training 🎯 Management for lawyers & law firms.
Leveraging LinkedIn & Life for Lawyers.
Trademark Attorney | Entrepreneur | Founder
2yIncredible reminders! Thank you!
Partner at Leason Ellis-Legal Counsel-help Safeguard your Innovation, Building, Growing Companies via Intellectual Property, Patent, trademark, copyright, Chair-China, U.S. Pharma/Biotech
2yThis is very helpful. Viveca Hess, J.D. Thanks for sharing.
Scuola 3, media presso Borgo Petilia, Caltanissetta.
2yThank you.
Chief Commercial Officer @ Goodlawyer
2yLove the 7 steps Viveca Hess, J.D.! And they flow so nicely. By starting at 1 we don’t have to create the subsequent ones bc they naturally build on each other.
Transforming aspiring leaders' stress, overwhelm & fatigue into SUSTAINABLE health and success | Learn to thrive with presence and peace of mind ▪️ 1:1 Coaching ▪️ Workplace Wellness ▪️ Mindful Leadership
2yAlways when I receive your newsletter... I’m immediately singing along to the first lines. 😎 LOVE it Viveca Hess, J.D.