Make in 2 days what you used to make in a month
It’s no secret that I am beyond enamored with our members of Boldheart Business. This is a community full of truly incredible humans. Total bad a$$es. (Can I say that?!?!)
Victoria Whitfield certainly fits in. Ahem…that is Sensei Victoria.
As you’ll hear in today’s inspiring video, Victoria’s journey here at Boldheart started way before she even dreamed of having her own business. (Watch the video and you’ll understand).
So watching her take those first steps of “maybe I can do this by myself” to now witnessing her, four years later, a successful 6-figure business owner making 10K plus per month, has been an extraordinary privilege.
I hope you’ll find this inspiring. Watch it now:
It’s no accident that Victoria reached 6 figures in two years of starting her business.
And it’s no accident that she now makes in just a couple of days what she used to make in a month.
She shows up for every Boldheart Business meeting. And she shows up fully.
While on one hand, Victoria’s results are extraordinary, on the other hand, they are quite normal. At least for us.
She followed the recipe. She implemented. She took steps outside of her comfort zone.
She chose us as her home to get direction, coaching, accountability and focus, more than she would ever find on her own.
She was smart enough to receive help. She wants to change many, many more lives, while creating a kickass life she loves.
Imagine for a moment that you, too, start making in just a couple of days what you used to make in a month? How would that make a difference in your life?
What if you were working on your business in a community, surrounded by love and accountability?
Success doesn’t happen from the sidelines. You need help. We all do. (I have several coaches and belong to several mastermind groups myself.)
There’s no need to try doing it alone anymore.
This is your invitation to reach out and schedule a no-charge Exploratory Call. Click here.
Schedule a call and let’s get you steeped in a container of love, positivity, action and results.
I’m game if you are. ;)
P.S. Imagine us sitting together, side by side, a couple of years from now…with you gushing about the incredible journey we’ve been on together, how much you’re making now, creating so much more of an impact in the world. Giddy with joy and pride.
Imagine you and I talking about how your life has changed because of the decision you made today when you schedule that free call here.
Would the simple step of scheduling a call with one of our coaches have been worth it?
Yes? Go ahead and fill out this short questionnaire and you’ll be on your way.
You’re a badass too. ;)