Make your soul whole again in 2025

Make your soul whole again in 2025

No, no Trump-related hidden hint in the title. It’s just my current choice of words.

Now that we’ve settled that, oh, my favourite cycle is here! This weekend, Destiny moves into breezy, ocean-like, unclear, soulful Pisces. The time of Aries has ended.

The sliding doors of destiny are now guiding us towards the next 18 months of our lives in a different energy than the one we’ve explored since July 2023.

The upcoming months come in with a lot of challenges, but also with the call for compassion and ease to go through the exterior with a more forgiving interior.

But I must admit. I myself don’t like generic (or general) predictions too much. I usually refrain from doing them lightly. Because as individuals, we are complex also in our astrology. We experience several astro charts that are changing and expanding and contracting all the time. One cosmic event might influence us more or less than the person right next to us. Then, how is astrology correct in its interpretations, many might claim?!

And yes, they could be right in their judgement.

Because us astrologers write a lot of predictions for the transits of the planets & Nodes without spending too much time on educating the general public that anything that happens NOW on the sky impacts a person more than another one, depending on the individual circumstances of each of us. This is why any yearly prediction must be understood in the context of the life you are living. And here come consultations and personalised charts and predictions.

Previous (and first) newsletter (full of practical info and strategies on how to approach the energy of 2025: 9 in numerology and Pisces in astrology, which basically points to the same themes) is below, let it serve you in your journey this year, which is going to be a more challenging collectively.

The Pisces Destiny starts this weekend (January 12th) and it brings one of the most beloved themes for me: soul and soul wholeness.

What is soul wholeness?

Along the years, while going through (lots of) difficult experiences, our soul splits into multiple pieces and many times remains blocked in certain places or energy entanglements. And soul retrieval is very hard to do if we are not aware that soul splitting is an actual phenomenon that happens on a mind, energy and emotional level.

Let me give you a basic example: you loved somebody. Maybe too much or it was deeply painful. That somebody wronged you in some way (this is your perception, it doesn’t have to be the correct one, this is just the story you are telling yourself).

You cut the relationship. Years go by, but you are still waiting for that person to apologise, or to make amends, or to get karma. Unfortunately, the only karma that is active is that within your own soul. You will get stuck in that moment in time unaware that those are soul bonds you are still entertaining even though the relationship ended together with its lesson. Those binds unfortunately confine you to a silent suffering and blockage. You might also get sick. And I get it, sometimes living in the past feels easier than forging a new present or future. Creating your life requires presence, acceptance, no bullshit and most of all constant work. Suffering is also a choice, isn’t it?

Now, how do you change that and retrieve your soul (if you want to)?

In 2025, we have this incredible opportunity to understand where we lost our energy along the way, the power to live and make decisions for ourselves and the gumption to go forward without being stuck.

Soul retrieval is a transformative healing practice rooted in shamanic traditions (but not only shamanic, this is also described in Christian, Hindu, Buddhist texts), designed to help people recover fragmented pieces of their soul lost through trauma, grief, or significant life events. The essence of this technique lies in recognising that when we experience pain, be it emotional, physical, or spiritual, a part of our essence may withdraw as a protective mechanism, leaving us feeling incomplete, disconnected, or lost.

By retrieving these parts, we restore a sense of balance, vitality, and unity within ourselves.

In shamanic traditions, a soul retrieval often begins with a ceremonial setting, where the practitioner, sometimes a trained shaman, enters a meditative or trance state to journey on behalf of the individual seeking healing. This is often done through drumming, chanting, or other rhythmic methods that facilitate altered states of consciousness. The practitioner journeys into the spiritual realms, guided by their connection to the spirit world and their intention to locate the lost soul fragments.

Once located, the practitioner may encounter symbolic representations of the lost soul parts. For instance, a part of your soul lost during a childhood trauma may appear as a younger version of yourself, hidden away in a comforting or protective environment. The shaman may interact with this aspect of your soul, gently inviting it to return, offering reassurance that it is safe to reintegrate with the present self.

The reintegration process often involves visualisation and breath-work. You may be guided to welcome this part of yourself, offering love and acknowledgment to the aspects of your being that have long felt neglected.

But you don’t have to travel to Peru to retrieve your soul fragments. You can do that by using prayer, confession, guided meditations, astrology, psychotherapy. But any method you choose, you need to align and connect soul, mind and body to that specific experience. You need to (unfortunately) relieve it again 360 degrees. It has to relieve within you to be able to release it.

In my personal practice, I found soul retrieval as deeply empowering. But I had to be patient, to re-do it for more painful experiences and to be honest with myself. Any relationship that hurt me was not only a lesson, but a choice. Whatever we’re not ending, we’re choosing. Years pass and these choices that hurt us become layers and layers of shackles around our heart and purpose.


So, my dear ones,

Unbind your heart with grace.

Release, let go. Forgiving is the quietest, most noble love of all.

Retrieve the pieces of your soul and make it whole again.

Today, the North Node begins a new chapter in Pisces. Can you feel it already? It’s subtle, like the shift in the tide, but its pull will guide us for the next 18 months. This is a change that doesn’t rush us, it whispers, invites, and reminds us that softness can hold immense strength.

Pisces is here to dissolve walls we’ve built around our hearts and open us to a world of connection, dreams, and surrender.

This isn’t about controlling the narrative or meticulously planning the outcome. It’s about flowing with what feels true. Pisces teaches us to trust the unseen and to listen deeply, not to what the world shouts, but to what our soul murmurs in the quiet moments.

This is a cycle when intuition and compassion take the lead. The South Node, now in Virgo, asks us to leave behind the perfectionism, the overthinking, and the constant need to “fix” everything and everyone. While Pisces dreams, Virgo grounds. Here is a list of prompts (yes, my Virgo is strong) to guide you, but make your own as well:

  1. Healing through feeling This is a deeply emotional transit. Old wounds or old relationships may rise, not to haunt us but to be seen and soothed. We’re given a chance to forgive ourselves, to soften the harsh inner voice that says we’re not enough, and to let our hearts speak their truth.
  2. Compassion is a balm we should be all using during this cycle
  3. Creativity is a holistic medicine Express your originality in as many and varied ways possible. Art, music, movement.
  4. Go creative with your rituals as well. Write a prayer with your own pen.
  5. Pay attention to your dreams. They might tell you what your soul can’t during your active mind.
  6. Avoid toxic escapism as alcohol, drugs, etc. This cycle might raise our pain levels and we might feel the need to … not feel. Addictive behaviours might take the lead if we’re not grounded and balanced, so be aware of your choices and what you treat your body with. It will reflect right back to you in minutes. Get back into your movement routines, healthy eating and treat your body as the temple that she is.
  7. Leave behind something maybe that happened in 2006-2008. Take a look back to those times. What lessons did you learn then? What patterns did you outgrow?
  8. Look up, to God, but also down, to those unseen, unheard, unsupported. The most egocentric people will need to break the walls of their pride in this cycle and it won’t be fun. Try to collab with the Universe before actually experiencing karma. Donate your time, attention, money, whatever you have to those in need.
  9. Honour your intuition. It’s the best way to feel God is real and pays attention to you.

Next week I will dive deeper into big shifts from transpersonal planets and how they impact us for the next decade.

Until then, I am here to support, guide or just…see YOU.

With love,

Roxana #WomenAreHealing

Roxana Marin

Crafting top marketing and communication strategies & plans for brands and organisations worldwide. Astrologer. Guiding women leaders in healing, growth & life optimisation. +20 yrs experience. 💚💚💚


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