Making GOOD FOOD possible - Collaborating to provide good food for everyone, everywhere, every time.

Making GOOD FOOD possible - Collaborating to provide good food for everyone, everywhere, every time.

Hello there, good evening, I trust you are having a great weekend?

How did your week go? Productive I believe! Welcome to this weeks edition of The Food Renaissance.

We are now a community of 3,000+ readers and it is just week 5, I am grateful for you all!

In the last four editions of The Food Renaissance, I have laid the ground work and introduced some of the ideas we will be exploring, I am grateful for the engagement and the feedback I have gotten so far.

On the last edition titled TECH4GOODFOOD, I discussed some of the key things to consider in the architecture and implementation of sustainable food systems and how Collaborator our cutting edge technological system enables resilient, effective, and efficient food capturing, production, processing, distribution, and delivery to people everywhere.

This week, I will explore making good food possible, and the goal is to help you understand how collaborations across the food ecosystem make it possible for good food to be available for YOU and people everywhere and the systems that power these collaborations.

There are five major aspects to think of when you think about the capturing, development and delivery of good food;

  1. Food capturing & food production
  2. Post harvest or capture activities
  3. Food processing
  4. Storage
  5. Distribution and delivery

The individuals who typical involved in the process are input providers, fishermen, farmers, extension services providers, traders, food processors, Chefs, restaurant and hotel food procurement managers, wholesale and retail markets and third party logistics providers to mention a few, they are called food system actors as we have highlighted in the last four editions of The Food Renaissance, we call them collaborators, they are our collaborators in making good food for everyone, everywhere, every time possible.

This is how it all comes together, the food is captured or produced, next you have the post harvest activities or post food capture activities, then the food gets processed where necessary, depending on the intended application, all of the food then gets stored, the kind or type of storage required is determined by the kind of food being stored, temperature sensitive or not, and finally distribution and deliveries to people, markets and businesses everywhere.

Collaborations are at the heart of everything we have just described above, no one of these activities happen in isolation, where collaborations are not in place individual events suffer, where one actor does not supply his part in any given chain there is a break in the supply chain and this breaks can have very serious effects or ramifications for markets, individuals, families, and businesses.

Occurrences like post harvest losses are simply the result of a break in the flow of follow on activities after harvests or capturing, which are very avoidable when the system is implemented according to design and the food actors or collaborators are provided with the necessary resources, assets, and services to carry on the flow of food after harvesting or capturing all the way to your homes, tables, and processing facilities.

This is what we designed Collaborator to be a system that enables food system actors our collaborators and their activities with everything needed to ensure that good food is captured, produced, processed, distributed, and delivered to individuals, families, and businesses, matching food products to nutritional goals and outcomes and the needed collaborations along the flow are coordinated and implemented as at when they need to be.

This is how we make good food possible, by ensuring a functional ecosystem of collaborations to ensure resilient food systems that make good food available for everyone, everywhere, every time.

Collaborator - Making good food possible, that line has a good ring to it, we just might adopt it in our marketing efforts if it passes the metric of simple and clear communication of all the solutions and value that Collaborator provides to our collaborators and to people in general.

An essential part of how food systems work which I have not yet discussed in details is the financing that makes all of the activities within the ecosystem possible, I hope to do a deep dive into the systems we are building that will provide, timely, accessible, and affordable financing to food system actors, our collaborators or as we popularly call them and walk with them from financing to market in the coming editions.

Let me know what you think about our collaborative approach to making good food available for everyone, everywhere, every time, and also how we can make The Food Renaissance more fun and engaging!

Have an amazing weekend!


#thefoodrenaissance #nutritiousfood #foodsystems #Goodfood #thestaffofbread #zerohinger #foodsecurity #foodlikewater #abundance #collaborator #foodsystems #makinggoodfoodpossible

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