Messaging - and why it matters
A few weeks ago I sent out a mini survey, and one of my audience's major challenges is defining their Niche.
And I've seen it too.
How too many can't seem to identify their Avatar, and that just keeps them stuck.
And by stuck I mean, they don't do enough sales, and they struggle with engagement on their posts.
And what do we do when we're stuck?
We need to pause and re-evaluate, and change the way we do things.
Because, obviously something isn't working. And we need to figure out what the heck it is!
And the very first step is to get CRYSTAL CLEAR on your Niche 🔎
Tadaaa! 💃🏼
That's exactly why I created the Niche Clarity Masterclass.
On November 21 I will go through how your chosen market, the problem you solve, AND your Niche should impact your messaging.
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✅ FREE and
✅ YES, replays will be available if you can't join us live.
The reason why I say "should" is that this is exactly where so many (way too many) Entrepreneurs get it wrong.
Either they:
✔️ are too overwhelmed and don't really know where to start,
✔️ want to help as many people as possible, and just don't want to Niche down,
✔️ are multi-passionate, and don't want to focus on one single service, they want to do it ALL,
✔️ believe that market research is unnecessary, because they want to stay authentic, and they know what their prospects want and need already.
And those are just a few reasons why their messaging will NEVER attract enough leads, and they will stay stuck.
In this special Masterclass I will share a super simple process, and real life examples, that will help you to Define Your Niche in a completely new way!
So, unless you're crystal clear about your Niche, and your messaging already, this Masterclass is for you 🩵
Looking forward to seeing you there!
// Josefine
I help founders, brands and companies to re-write and make modern day websites and making them reach their every potential client!💯 | 0 to MILLION $$ in 3 months | Director @ Agency Bee 💵
1yNailing down your niche is a game-changer for messaging and sales.
Inspirationsföreläsare "Ett Vinnande Bemötande" för servicepersonal/arbetsgrupper, för ökad arbetslust och konkurrensfödelar | Driver kursgård | Frilansjournalist | Coach | Reseledare
1yThanx for helping me finding mine!! And thankyou for the webinar last night!! SUPER motivating!!!
CDC Certified Divorce Coach® | Expert in post-separation coercive control | Based in Canada – globally active
1yAnd once you've identified your niche, stick with that niche if it works for you. I get tons of content ideas every day, because I'm constantly focused on my niche.