MindBody Health: Tip of the Week
Today I spoke with one of my clients… On the MindBody online program we work at about a 80% + result success rate each and every week.
This means me and Maya go through all of the data at the weeks, end and make sure everybody has lost some weight and/or gotten closer to their goal.
This client had just come from holiday and was not in the mix of those seeing great results because of it.
I asked her what she thinks has been holding her back and she said: ‘Laziness’
I told her I don’t believe in laziness, I believe laziness is a symptom of something bigger, of a root cause. I explained that for me, sometimes I can feel lethargic due to being mentally drained and mentally fatigued. This is usually a sign of some hardships and battles going on in your mind and soul.
This resonated with her.
I believe it may resonate with many of you.
You are not lazy… you have some mental blocks.
Now there are many things I can prescribe to start to reduce overthinking and overcome the mental blocks. I did a whole webinar on it last week in fact.
However, the one tool I am going to give you this week as the MindBody Health Tip of the week is a simple but life changing one.
One of the greatest inventions of our time must go out to whoever Amazon’s Jeff Bezos or research and development team obtained the idea from that is ‘Audible’
Books are a powerful source of knowledge, wisdom and power.
A great quote says one who reads lives many lives, whilst one who doesn’t lives only one.
However, I don’t think anyone has ever read all of the books available in his/her lifetime or even scratched the surface (correct me if I’m wrong)
The beautiful thing about Audible is that it gives you the ability to listen and absorb the great benefits of a book, whilst doing other things… whilst continuing with life and doing things you have to do.
Such as driving to work or taking a train.
Such as walking the dog.
Such as sitting on an airplane.
Such as doing some boring data entry work.
All of these things are part of our everyday life and we perform them regularly.
Before you sign off… the tip is not just that you should start reading more.
Something I learned is that at any given time you should be reading some kind of
Self help
Self development
Recommended by LinkedIn
Or what I like to call a ‘Mindset’ book!
Reason being is, imagine if you had your very own… Therapist/ Life coach/ Mindset Coach/ Trusted Friend rolled all in one that only worked for you and could talk life into your ear whenever you needed it.. Whenever you’re feeling down… whenever you’re feeling lazy they are there to inspire you.
That is what a Mindset audiobook does for you.
I won’t speak too much more about the benefits of this, but just to let you know I have found this useful through years of trial and error.
I grew up with my mum who came to this country as an immigrant and had me at the age of 21. She didn’t read the manual on parenting and didn’t always know the best ways to help me develop my self belief - which is one of the most important things for any child growing up
So I have gone through ups and downs.
I’ve been able to be consistent for years, push myself to past limits in business and in fitness.
And I've also gone through slumps, where my mental blocks hindered me from going the extra mile and taking things to the next level.
This tip/ life hack/ gem today comes from my own self development/ self analysis
Some books I’ve read and recommend personally to you would be:
David Goggins - Can’t hurt me
Tim Grover - Relentless
Body Mind Mastery
The Alchemist
The Secret
The magic of thinking big
Hustle Harder, Hustle smarter
Ego is the enemy
There are more but these are all I remember off the top of my head.
One final tip attached to the main one is, you must be consistent with this (like with anything). Some books will not resonate with you, or they might not resonate with you at a certain period of your life. Always sample them first and go with the ones you are drawn to the most. When you are about to finish one, start searching for your next one.
For the month of August, these tips of mine will focus more on overcoming these mental blocks that we all brush off as ‘laziness’
P.S. If you’re looking to improve your overall health and get into great shape so you can feel good about who you are and also feel good within your mind and your looking for a holistic approach that is not all about pumping iron, taking loads of supplements and restricting carbs.
Then I invite you to check out what MindBody Online Coaching is all about. Myself and Coach Maya take a real personal approach with each client to make sure everything is simple and works for THEM as an individual
Learn more about how we can help you finally achieve your goals here > https://www.mindbodycoach.co/goalanalysiscall
Have an amazing week!
Peace and Love ✌️❤️