The mirage of local authorities
Municipalities want to occupy commercial sites with the highest possible quality settlements in order to optimize their trade tax revenue.
There are always reservations about logistics settlements. This leads to a shortage of space in logistics real estate, which also has fatal effects on inflation, because rising rental prices are heating up consumer prices. In addition, the necessary economic growth is limited.
The fact is that the municipalities are generally unable to meet the requirements for higher-quality settlements, because the international high potentials have very specific requirements, without which they would never move to a region:
It is also a fact that production and innovation companies also requires:
All municipalities that cannot or only insufficiently fulfill these 11 points should turn to logistics with a clear conscience. The availability of logistics is also the basis for the settlement of manufacturing companies in the future.
This need is very large, since the geopolitically necessary re-industrialization requires an estimated double of the previously available area potential. These warehousing processes for raw, semi-finished and finished products are currently still in China and were previously phased out in Europe due to less favorable labor costs.