A Modern Fairy Tale
"Poor Cinderella, why are you so miserable, sitting here all sad and lonely in the cold kitchen, among the ashes?"
"Oh Fairy Godmother, I'm so unhappy (sob)! I want to go to the Royal Ball, to see the Handsome Prince, but my mean, ugly sisters won't let me. They've gone without me and left me here to clean the kitchen, while they enjoy themselves, and I so wanted to go (sob)!
"Don't worry Cinders, you SHALL go to the ball. Let's see, what have we got to work with? First, your dress: with a wave of my magic wand I transform it into a beautiful ball gown, and your ugly plastic crocs into exquisite glass slippers - Ta Da! "
"Oh Fairy Godmother, I look so beautiful! Can this really be me?"
"Of course. Now, you need transportation. we take this pumpkin and, Hey Presto! It's a splendid gilded coach for you to ride to the ball in."
"But there are no horses."
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"No worries; these mice running around on the floor will do, if we just scale them up a bit. Another touch of magic, and they're eight fine horses to pull your carriage. Now, two lizards for footmen, and this goose will do nicely for a coachman. What do you think?"
"Oh Fairy Godmother, it's all just superb! I can't believe how wonderful I look and feel; maybe the Handsome Prince will fall in love with me!
"Sure. Now stick that rat up your nose and as long as it's negative, you're good to go. Just make sure you're home before midnight when the pharmacies close in case you need another one. Enjoy."
Fred Hawke
9 February 2022 (with apologies to Charles Perreault, among others)
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1yThanks for sharing, Fred!
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3yLove reading your work .