The Most Crucial Place To Be Right Now
This week at Limitless Minds, we're honing in on an incredibly important aspect of Neutral Thinking: present moment awareness.
In order to Get Clear, you have to Be Here. While aspirational fridge magnets might say otherwise, present moment awareness IS NOT a state to be “achieved;” it’s a skill to be developed and practiced daily.
Research published in 2017 by the Harvard Business Review showed that group divergent thinking and creative problem solving increased after only 10 minutes of guided awareness practice. Research by author, neuroscientist, and attention expert Dr. Amishi Jha also suggests that all the attention and focus benefits from meditation can be received in only 12 minutes of daily practice.
As we’ve learned, small steps can still make a big impact. This week, instead of having you read through a newsletter, we thought it best to share some coaching straight from the expert. Can you spare two minutes to commit to the present today?
Click here to let coach Travis Thomas teach you how to Shift Attention to Your Intention. If you like what you see—and it’s likely you will!— find more information on present moment awareness in the Club Limitless app.
2yYes - it's the only place where life is happening....right now :)
Life Coach & Performance Trainer | TEDx Speaker | Trail Runner 🏃⛰️
2yI fully resonate with the idea and a fact that presence is achieved by a skill, more than via achievement.