Jaundice is the medical term that describes yellowing of the skin and eyes. Jaundice itself is not a disease, but it is a symptom of several possible underlying illnesses. Jaundice forms when there is too much bilirubin in your system. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that is created by the breakdown of dead red blood cells in the liver. Normally, the liver gets rid of bilirubin along with old red blood cells.
Jaundice may indicate a serious problem with the function of your red blood cells, liver, gallbladder, or pancreas.
Effective mother tinctures are available for the management of jaundice.
ACALYPHA INDICA Q—Jaundice associated with burning in stomach and intestine. Spluttering diarrhea with forcible expulsion of noisy flatus. Itching.
ANSERSONIA OR AMOORA ROHITAKA Q—Jaundice associated with enlargement of liver and spleen. Burning sensation in the stomach. Nausea and vomiting. Bad and bitter taste in the morning. Memory becomes dull and disordered.
ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA Q—Jaundice. Enlarged liver. Heaviness of abdomen without any hungry feeling. Bitter taste in the mouth with dryness and burning in throat and white coating of the tongue.Patient is restless and easily angered. No desire to do any work or talk. It is a very good remedy for infantile jaundice also
BERBERIS VULGARIS Q—Jaundice associated with kidney troubles. Pale sickly face. Nausea before breakfast. Clay colored stool.
BOERHAAVIA DIFFUSA Q---Jaundice associated with slight pain in the hepatic region, aggravated by touch or slightest pressure and better by hard pressure. Scanty, high colored urine with strangury.
BOLDO Q—Jaundice with bitter taste in the mouth, loss of appetite and constipation. There is congestion of liver and burning weight in liver and stomach.
CARYCA PAPAYA Q----Jaundice with enlarged liver and spleen with fever. Loss of appetite. Weak digestion. Undigested stool in small quantities for many times a day. Yellow discoloration of conjunctiva. White coated tongue.
CARDUS MARIANUS Q—Jaundice with pain in the liver region. Left lobe very sensitive. Cloudy golden colored urine. The patient has an aversion to salt and meat. Jaundice , especially in alcoholics and beer drinkers.
CHELIDONIUM MAJUS Q—Jaundice. Liver region sensitive to touch. Shooting pain in liver region radiating to every direction of liver. Fixed pain under inner and lower angle of the right scapula, which may extend into chest and stomach causing nausea or vomiting. Loss of appetite. Dirty yellow color of conjunctiva. Prefers hot food and drink. Bitter taste in mouth. Deep red color of tongue. Urine brown-red in color. l Pasty and clay colored stools.
CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA Q—Jaundice. Hepatic region tender. Sore abdomen enlarged with jaundice and constipation. Loss of appetite. Tongue yellow and heavily coated. Yellow conjunctiva. Constipation with clay colored stool. Jaundice with suppression of menses. Jaundice returning every summer.
CORNUS CIRCINATA Q—Jaundice. Liver derangements with aching eyeballs, disturbed sleep, weakness in the morning, pain in the pit of stomach, with distended abdomen. Dark foul stools, burning in anus, vesicular eruption on the face.
DIGITALIS PURPUREA 3X—Jaundice accompanied with heart troubles. Enlarged , sore, painful liver. Slow intermittent pulse. High colored scanty urine.
LEPTANDRA Q—Jaundice with liver disorders. Aching in liver region extending to spine, which feels chilly. Black, tarry stools. Tongue coated yellow.
LUPULUS 6X—Lupulus is effective for neonatal jaundice. Yellow pigmentation of the skin. Pulse slow.
MYRICA CERIFERA Q—Jaundice. Dull pain in the liver region. Pain in the right side below the ribs. Complete jaundice with bronze –yellow skin. Complete loss of appetite. Tongue coated yellow. Eyes have a dingy, dirty yellowish color. Fullness in the stomach and abdomen. Desire for acids.Dull, heavy, aching headache in temples and forehead on waking in the morning. Scanty, yellow, frothy urine. Skin yellow and itching. Unrefreshing sleep. Muscular soreness and aching in the limbs with slow pulse.
THYROIDINUM 3X—This remedy save new born babies from the desperate cases of jaundice.
Dr Tanzeem Siraj's Homoeopathy Care Center
5yNice information sir
HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN at Self-Employed/ Private Practice
5ySir like to share my 25 years of experiance . All above remidy realy do wonder in jaundice if gave a dose of sepia , sulphur or natrum.sulf in 200 a single dose in begining or u may call it start such cases. Regard.