Is It A Must For Candidates To Always Have First Interview With Recruiters?

Real Scenario dated 29 Apr 2015 ~ It's modern 2015 now, why are such traditional methods imposed being done over and over again? Not Efficient.

Is it so? Company makes lesser profits if wasting so much time on such redundant meetings? Just to show the importance of Recruiter's job? Recruiters are just middle man. In fact, many candidates dont have jobs due to middle man interference when they are good candidates.

Dear so and so,

For your question, as we're following a client protocol, we are to follow the HR Manager'(Client Company's) instructions where in we have to meet the candidates first before they head to the next formal interview with the client. Email reply to candidate from Recruiter.

Some questions to ponder as we have reviewed this topic last week.

1.) Skype face to face conference can be done, why impose on the candidates insistence to meet up for recruiter's interview first?

2.) If recruiter matches the wrong job profile to candidates during the first meet up, then isn't it wasting both parties time as well?

3.) Even if u pass recruiter's first time meet up, then meet up with client (HR Manager), the HR Manager rejects you. Such a high chance of rejection nowadays with so many candidates vying for the same role. Everyone is wasting their time here.

Can anyone tell us why is it a must to always meet Recruiter first before the client interview?

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