My first six weeks as an inventor

My first six weeks as an inventor

I sat and took stock yesterday for the first time since I became completely independent six weeks ago.

I’m really impatient as a character, but as I sit and write this, I’m actually surprised at what I’ve achieved.

So, here’s the list of very cool things that have happened.

The patent for my first invention, a revolutionary pulmonary inhaler, is written and ready for application, and once it’s in I’ll be able to tell you all about it and take it to market.

Trademarking for the inhaler is approved and in place.

I’ve joined the Scottish Life Sciences association and attended three of their special interest groups, as well as meeting a number of other members.

I’m in early stage concept development of another health invention connecting wearable technology and allergy management.

I’ve had meetings with three universities to discuss connective education and potentially being involved with commercialising their inventions and IP.

I’ve joined Scottish Renewables, the economic and trade organisation for renewable energy, and begun to network within that industry.

I’m in early stage concept development of two tidal energy inventions.

And on top of all that I’ve been invited to LA in November to attend the exclusive Summit conference, where changemakers around the globe meet to discuss and collaborate on the primary issues we face as human beings.

There are two other top-secret projects as well. I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you. And with nearly two thousand LinkedIn connections, that’s a massacre I simply don’t have time for.

For the first time in my life I feel I’m actually doing what I’m supposed to do, in my way, with my own values, to achieve my own goals. And it feels ace.

Thanks for reading.


David Reid

Founder of Because Brands Matter Ltd / Additionally available for ambitious NXD positions.


Don. You need to speak to a friend of mine who is on LinkedIn. David Bowie Not only does he have a very cool name, but he's an entrepreneur specialising in medical technology. Good luck.

Marcus Kirsch

Helping organisations to de-risk transformation projects, team processes and services on a local or portfolio and C-level. Director, Fractional CxO, Clients: EY, NHS, BT, HSBC, WPP, Nissan, etc.:


6 weeks...? 6 projects + partnerships from zero...?

Moses B.

Strategy, Organisation Design and Change at Adobe


Go on my son!

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