We call ourselves a Christian nation. That means we are followers of Jesus. But we are not acting that way.
Being a servant of God is seeking to do His will, not ours. Do you believe it was God’s will to elect an unrepentant person who is the opposite of all the values Jesus taught to be our country’s leader? That is not what a Christian nation does.
We have put what we want over what God wants, which tells us we are a nation in need of repentance. We are to follow God, not anyone else. Matthew 4:10, Jesus says, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.” But we have chosen to serve ourselves and others. Mostly ourselves.
Jesus came to bring acceptance, hope, and forgiveness to the world. After his return to Heaven, he sends his Holy Spirit to guide us in love, kindness, mercy, and grace. But we follow those who seek power, money, retribution, and hate. We no longer trust God. We must make sure we are in control. Our selfishness and greed blind us to God’s will in search of our own. It has become about us, not serving and sacrificing for those in need.
During the last election, we did not follow Christ, as a nation, we turned our back on him.
For that arrogance, we as a nation need to repent. We must turn back to seek His Holy Spirit's truth and stop relying on ourselves. If we don’t, we need to quit calling ourselves a Christian nation. We are just lying to ourselves and others. We cannot walk away from Jesus for selfish reasons and call him our Lord. It doesn’t work that way.
Repentance means change. It is time we did.