Am glad to read this October 2018 article of the Nigerian Tribune which at best is a hope for a glorious future and a lamentation of decadent present brought about by lies, deceit and manipulation. But what is written here as Hope I have understood as reality and substance since 2015 even before this current Buhari government completed its first year. All I said then was that he should not be outrightly condemned nor condemned at all. Am happy many heeded my counsel and agreed with me though some opposed my position.
Now he has been given ample opportunities but he has failed very woefully. But what some people still don’t know is that BUHARI may remain as president after his first term for another 4 years which will only be possible if the opposition MISSTEPS especially because the oppositions are presently in splinter groups - which for the present is not bad but will need merger plans this December or latest by mid January 2019 latest and come up with one opposition candidate. But I GREGG MOORE have the blue print to defeat the incumbent President in the 2019 Presidential election with your help Nigeria and this wining party called NP Nigeria Party in which no single Naira is required of you to be a member but the only requirement is to go vote on the Election Day for its Presidential candidate which is DGM Dr. Gregg Moore.
Highlights of this Nigeria Party NP is that (1) Nigeria will be a truly secular state with the mention of Mosque/Quran taken completely away from the Nigerian Constitution and also Church/Bible too if it is in that Constitution etc (2) the whole of Nigeria will have an uninterrupted 24/7 electricity supply within the first 12 months of the Nigerian Party NP government. (3) Bribery and Corruption will not have a place in Nigeria anymore (4) NP will eradicate unemployment and or reduce it to the barest minimum of at most 5% of the employable population (5) Insecurity of life and property especially of the masses but indeed of all in Nigeria will be dealt with once and for all.
(6) Prosperity and growth will be evenly spread between salaried citizens and the self employed of whatever occupation such as farming and trading including those the lead or establish mosques and or churches: and did I hear that a healer demanded the landed property of a grieving woman before he will heal the teenage daughter? With NP in government, such nefarious acts will be a thing of the past.
Six is enough for now but we shall go on to elaborate before this year winds to a close. In closing or summary remember apart from your vote on Election Day, nothing is required of you for membership - not even a Naira; and also remember PDP and APC have outlived their era of destruction, misgovernance and or looting for a new dawn has come to stay with GREGG MOORE as President in the Land of Wa Zo Bia.