In the new step of Macromolecular Science we need; and not just insisting on how business is done
To whom It May Concern
Flory's random walk for a polymer molecule

In the new step of Macromolecular Science we need; and not just insisting on how business is done To whom It May Concern

Spending and investing money on traceability is an alternative, yes. But the problem of recycling plastics with an allowable amount of downcycling (which can never be completely avoided) is an alternative that does not solve the major problems of this complex task.

Betting on the way business is done (i.e., blockchains, value chains, etc.) and insisting on circularity is also possible; but it is not the root of the problem; and finally, they are just business; Furthermore, circularity is a very poor business model, as neither nature nor technology cycles can be circular on realistic physical ground (science-based or on common-sense); since increasing amounts of energy must be continuously added to force circularity, which would otherwise be impossible.

Better than anyone, "you" must understand that polymer recycling is a macromolecular science problem. A problem due to the fact that the polymer molecules are destroyed throughout the recycling processes; which are too aggressive; so that after we have destroyed them, we must try to repair them, although without much success in fact. Therefore, we need a new science, an even better science to overcome this new stage, as a continuation of the great and wonderful science of macromolecules; but we must move forward, because are not just business. We now face a new challenge a stage where we will need much more macromolecular physics than chemistry (polymer chemistry is already doing an excellent job; and it still has a lot to contribute; but new solutions must come from other new and original ideas (by the way, you are already quite rich, thanks to polymer chemistry).

We need a new science based more on a deepest rheology and fluid mechanics (a less aggressive fluid mechanics). A science based on not so new concepts, but no so well understood yet, a scaled up macromolecular science about soft matter, defects dynamics, symmetry breakings, electronic bands theory for macromolecules, etc.) but which must now be scaled up industrial level. So, above all, now we need a lot of imagination and intelligence and someone has to pay for that and invest a lot in it; and you must also beg for patience and a little common sense not so prevalent now, among politicians eager to be popular and overly distressed societies. We will need bright young people (and others not so young, but well trained) to help find that new macromolecular science we all need.

Much more than dwelling on harmful discursive about the never-proven and highly unlikely dangers of plastics contamination, you must help and push for the new macromolecular science we need. Much more than become yourselves into the echo and the sounding board of poor and exaggerated environmentalist discourses and never sufficiently well supported; thus, becoming some not so innocent promoters of that new evil black legend that has settled in the innocent minds willing to believe any fashionable nonsense.

We must overcome this turbulent and uncertain new stage (and you owe it to all of us) so that the synthetic giant macromolecules continue to exist and do their work, because they are one of the most astonishing achievements of humanity's imagination and intellect. Insist on the way of doing business, as the only possibility (by choosing bad business models); insisting on marketing, advertising, and pretty photoshopping can sound nice; but you are just hand-waving on the true problem.

Improving traceability may seem important, if we insist on making people believe that it is only a garbage problem, (which is much bigger and different than the problem of recycling plastics); But, following in this way, it will only make the recycling of plastics much more difficult, much more expensive and inaccessible for most countries too poor to offer these technologies (which are not infallible and deepen other problems) and where to solve the problem of plastic waste it's even more urgent.

On the contrary, you can lead the search for a solution to the problem; But taking the wrong discourse, and insisting only on the problem of garbage and "business", as those who will never understand what and how 100 years of macromolecular science have been made, will make you accomplices of those who sow obstacles and promote prohibitions; those same who are in the antipodes of the inheritance of the science and the work of the so many brilliant minds that created the science and engineering of macromolecules; and that we must now defend.

We must overcome this new turbulent and uncertain stage (and you owe it to all of us) so that the synthetic giant macromolecules continue to exist and give us all the wonders that they are. But for all that, you have to choose the correct side of the speech; Finally, what we all do and know how to do best is polymer engineering, physics and chemistry and nothing else. And we must go back to our old way because modern plastics are one of the most amazing achievements of humanity's imagination and intellect; ; we simply must overcome these turbulent new times for the good of all.

Thank you.

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