Newsletter Thu Jan 04th, 2024
Top stories of the day
Current situation in the European steel market.. What direction is the market moving towards? Here are the details...
Steel Statistics and Quota Tracking News
#rebar #construction industry #import #turkey statistical ınstitute (tüik) #analysis #rebar imports in turkey
Steel Market Prices, News and Analysis
#green steel #sms group # green steel production #decarbonizing #co2 emission #decarbonize steel produce
#steel export #china #the china ıron and steel association (cısa) #steel import #china steel market #chinese steel exporters
Iron Ore Prices, News and Analysis
#china #shanghai futures exchange #singapore exchange #china's iron ore #dalian iron ore futures # dalian commodity exchange
Region Reference Prices
Far East|%62|Show the price (%5,56) 8,00|Last update 04.01.2024 (GMT+3)
Recommended by LinkedIn
Rebar Prices, News and Analysis
#rebar #karabuk rebar prices #ızmir rebar prices #payas rebar prices #spot rebar prices #istanbul rebar prices
Region Reference Prices
Middle East and Africa|θ12-32 mm|Show the price (%0,00) 0,00|Last update 04.01.2024 (GMT+3)
Steel Profies Prices, News and Analysis
Region Reference Prices
Far East|H-profile (100x100 mm)|Show the price (%0,12) 1,00|Last update 04.01.2024 (GMT+3)
Steel Sheet Prices, News and Analysis
Region Reference Prices
Europe|HRC [EN 10025 (S235JR)] 2-3 mm|Show the price (%0,00) 0,00|Last update 04.01.2024 (GMT+3)
Fair and Event News