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Thank you to everyone reaching out about my Rodan + Fields business. Yes, it was a shock. Yes, change is so hard. But, if you are a business owner of any kind, you know things can change overnight. Good to bad. Bad to better. You take risks as a business owner. That’s sort of the point.
Here is my personal truth. I still believe this was one of the best — if not the best — business decisions I have ever made. In five to six years my income surpassed what it took me 23 years to create in my corporate job. I have never been a public poster about income, but if you are sitting on a decision about this business model because you need proof on paper, DM me. I have the proof and am happy to share my personal financial journey with you.
Will I look for another opportunity in this same channel? Yep. But this time I am wiser to the ways this model works. I made mistakes. The importance of diversifying income streams is a thing we learned the hard way. I’ve been doing my research and think I know what my next move is, but I also have my hands in some other opportunities and will pursue all of them. If you are interested in hearing more about where I am headed, DM me. I will share my reasoning and the important lessons I learned along the way.
Do I think timing is important when it comes to joining a company using this business model? Absolutely. Did I tell people that was not the case? Yep. Because that is what I was told and I didn’t know any better. My experience tells me the first three to five years are critical. The number of consultants currently enrolled is critical. Do the research. Know the facts.
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Does it matter what you are selling? What matters is whether or not you believe in what you are selling because people can read inauthentic from a mile away. The size of the market matters. Is it predominantly female? Male? Or does your market truly include both? Some of my Rodan + Fields products are the best I have used. Some are not my faves. And when I shared about them, I was always honest about my personal opinion. I wish I could tell you I am able sell ice to eskimos. I can’t. I actually suck at selling. What I’m best at is being authentic. People know they can trust me so sharing and influencing them to give something a try is reasonably simple.
Does this take hard work and effort? It’s some of the hardest work I have ever done. Sure, you can bounce in and out of your business a few hours a week, but you will not see the same results. And please do not believe someone if they tell you this is doable. You might make enough to pay for your products. With a little more effort, you might make enough to pay your mortgage. But if you are watching the person making $10K-plus a month, please know they are working behind the scenes like crazy. They are sharing. They are learning. They are training. They are talking. They are meeting people. They are learning some more. It is a lot of work if you want to create wealth with this business model. But the wealth is there to be made, without limits, if you are with the right company.
All of this R+F news hit me while my husband and I were traveling in Italy, seemingly so far removed from the reality of what was happening. And what a blessing! I was in the most beautiful place with some of my dearest friends. People who encouraged me minute-to-minute. People who lifted me up. People who literally saved me from the mental spiral I know some of my other R+F colleagues were struggling with. I was reminded that I am strong. I am smart. I am going to move forward. I am going to find the next thing that will lead to personal success. And I will share in that success with the people who are ready for their next adventure.