Next Wave of Omicron Deaths is Predicted for Weeks Ahead. Employers Beware.
My fellow health and healthcare risk-management experts and I are predicting a Next Wave of Omicron Deaths for the Weeks Ahead. Accordingly, we are advising employers to get ahead of the power curve and get their COVID-19 and variants Safety Program in place, soon.
Many employers have failed to meet current needs and to anticipate future needs for employee and family protection. They are taking big risks for short-term APPARENT budget savings. This is a huge mistake. Lawsuits, drops in productivity, loss of top personnel, and loss of brand value, among other harms, will come back to haunt them.
The increase in the number of deaths from Omicron makes sense. Even though it is less deadly or harmful than the Delta variant, it is more contagious and has been poorly managed by employers and the public at large. Therefore the number of deaths might in the end still be large.
What's more, many employers have been far too shortsighted. They are not prepared, for now, the next COVID variant, or the next pandemic-sized infectious disease that comes along. They have neither strategic plans nor appropriate structures in place to reasonably deal with or prepare for any of these. In most states, this might be a simple definition of negligence or worse.
To help you to digest these warnings, I have attached a copy of the letter and two very short attachments that I sent yesterday to my employer friends, and colleagues. The letter gives them my best advice. It also shares with them, unapologetically, information on the company I have founded using my more than 50 years of experience in health and healthcare risk management, as well as my experience in serving both as a #2 leader at the US FDA and as a faculty member at Harvard. The name of the company is Safely2Prosperity LLC.
Dear Friend or Colleague —
My friends and colleagues often ask me many questions regarding the COVID-19 risk management company I founded. As a former #2 at the FDA and a former Harvard faculty member, I take infectious disease spread very seriously. The goal of this 3.5-year-old company is to help employers and employees better conquer infectious diseases like COVID-19 and its many variants now and to come. The name of the company is Safely2Prosperity.
Most Executives now recognize that protecting their employees, families, companies, and investors is far more urgent and complex than they initially thought. Accordingly, S2P is getting many COVID-related calls, demos, and website inquiries. I want to make sure that my friends and contacts get a chance to get in line near the front of the line.
Safely2Prosperity ("S2P") is a developer of IT-driven, highly automated infectious disease prevention, mitigation, and control programs. S2P's innovative, first-in-the-world, gold-standard, advanced COVID-19 Safety Program combines a robust SaaS platform paired with available vaccinations, therapeutics, testing, and tracking technologies. In addition, it uses a unique, infectious disease risk-management platform with multiple dashboards for employers and employees themselves to do the job.
The S2P Program enables your company to better predict, manage, report, and record COVID-19 responses and mitigations. From dashboard-managed customized solutions to powerful analytics–S2P has it all. It empowers you to: Take charge. Invest in employee health and avoid risk and shutdowns. Stay in compliance and avoid costly litigation. The results: Employees stay safe. Businesses stay productive. Data remains secure. HR Leadership and Staff do not get overwhelmed.
The signals are clear. Only a tightly risk-managed, HYBRID, COVID-19 prevention, mitigation, and control Safety Program will cut it going forward for regulatory and legal compliance.
Hybrid Safety Programs have five critical legs, consisting of five very advanced risk-management Programs:
Recommended by LinkedIn
1. Optional Every Seventh Month Vaccination Programs
2. Or, Optional Weekly Testing Programs (or both)
3. Optional When-Prescribed Therapeutics Programs
4. Daily PPE (some optional and some mandated) Programs
5. Non-Optional 24/7 SaaS Risk Management Platform Programs (This leg is the most critical component. It makes every other part of the HYBRID Safety Program work in a coordinated, sophisticated, comprehensive, and thoughtful way. Without it, employers lose too many of the benefits of a Safety Program. The Program fails because, without a SaaS Risk Management Platform, employers inadequately protect their employees, families, companies, and investors.)
If you might want my help in learning more or in requesting a Demo, you can contact S2P or me through I also have attached One-Page and Two-Page Descriptions of what S2P does.
Founder and Executive Chairman
CSO of MaaS Health Systems LLC dba MaaS Nanofilms and Trillium Ferroics
2yI think the legislative framework that should have governed the COVID response, was set forth decades ago in the Americans With Disabilities Act. The Great Barrington Declaration began from the knowledge that some of us have a disability of immune function. Equitable protection of the immunocompromised means greater protection to those who need it. The Swedish Health Ministry built the country's response around it, and had effective antibody treatment in use, a full year before experimental vaccines came out. The US led the rest of the world in an insane and inequitable response, that tried to equalize everyone's suffering rather than deliver equitable protection. So 99.2% of us were forced to suffer unnecessary burdens, that did little to protect 0.8% of us at immediate life-threatening risk. As COVID transitions from pandemic to endemic, the "COVID Long Haul Syndrome" is beginning to complicate matters further. We don't have a good definition of Long Haul Syndrome. We don't know if it results from a single or several immune disabilities. A close friend of mine in Tempe who used to practice nursing, has been multiply vaccinated and multiply boosted, but keeps having COVID flares. Individualized care must become standard.
COVID industry cool thats why it has a patent
Digital Marketing and Property Ebusiness 🔸️Finance Controller 🔹️Accountant 🔹️MINDFULNESS IS SIMPLY 🔸️47K+Networks 🎶
3yThank you for Hon. John Norris JD, MBA
FDA Former #2; 20x Board Member; Executive Chair Safely2Prosperity; formerly managed ~14,000 EEs and ~$6B budget; ~30,000 LinkedIn followers; Former Harvard Life Sci and Mgt Faculty Member; facilitated raising $Billions
3yThanks for all the quick, few hours in the making, support from my readers and followers. Best, John
I completely agree with you John on this there is no policies in place