Northen Hemispher is Heating Worst than Predicted.
An early September article in the Climate News Network states that 'Arctic Heating Races Ahead of Worst Case Estimates' (see picture). Another article released by the EukekAlert (Univ. of Copenhagen) in late August clearly says 'New Study Warns: We Have Underestimated the Pace at Which the Arctic Is Melting'. In an addition, an article from BBC News postulates: 'Climate Change: Unprecedented Ice Loss as Greenland Breaks Record [heat]'. And the list of publications could go on and on...
These are just a few of the scientific publications that continue to warn us that our planet is entering a quite dangerous heating level (in fact multifaceted climate changes that go beyond heating alone) which Earth have not experienced for billions of years. Perhaps there is no absolute way to stop/actually slow down the momentum of this change because what we have in our Atmosphere, Oceans, Land etc is already set up/accumulated from decades of disregard for our Planet and Nature.
There is no higher level of this warning (rapid global change in climate) than over 95% of the world scientists and climate specialists have been screaming for years. If we continue to move at a slow pace in trying to mitigate the situation, future generations will pay a high price for our mistakes (greed)... it might even lead to the 6th Great Extinction on Earth. We MUST act swiftly and boldly (as we are doing with the CV19) in order to push forward the proximity of this period of really catastrophic climate uproar, giving us time to establish new technologies that will help our Planet to recover to our desired (survival) level. Politicians, decisions makers, business leaders and influential personalities let's wake up quicker and start to take the offset measures as rapidly as possible if not your offsprings (and ourselves) will forever blame us and suffer for the business-as-us, make-money-only attitude that has overtaken our Human Civilization in the past hundreds of years! Then, think rationally deep as an educated Human should: What is the use of all this money? Is it worth?
Let's further support activists like Greta Thunberg and others to gain steel-like force in fighting to save our planet or at least minimize the inevitable gigantic disasters that we are going to start facing soon if we do not change our ways.
Like said an ancient Chinese sage: 'Yesterday riding a horse thru town, today a sleeping corpse in a coffin: Family and Wealth cast off, they are not your own possessions..... While your eyes are open, your family and goods are yours, but when your eyes are closed forever everything is a void. You do not take anything at all with you when you go; only the demons of your misdeeds will come back to you for a thousand years. So it is better to see thru worldly affairs and change course as soon as possible.... After all you will die, then what is the use of blindly keep doing it?' Liu I-Ming