Northern Europe versus Southern Europe
Let it be clear that any person or people can have their ideas and manage in the way that best understands their indiosyncracies.
With regard to the pandemic virus that has hit all of Europe in particular, and the effort that countries will have to make, to recover their economies and their social fabric, the European Union, through its Commission, has come to propose a stimulus package to help those countries that need it most. And right away (I would say, always), there are 4 or 5 countries in Northern Europe that, due to incomprehensible prejudice, come to oppose what was proposed by France and Germany.
To understand this position, we must first understand the way of living and thinking in Northern Europe - they live almost all year round, without sun, with rain, cold and snow, which causes huge depressions; they commit suicide by the thousands; they live isolated from society; they do not know the concept of Family; they do not know what mutual assistance is with the most disadvantaged and culminating they live life in a depressing way.
Evidently, Southern Europe is completely different: it is solidary, it practices social solidarity, it has sun almost all year round, high temperatures, beaches, it has the concept of a Family completely rooted and social life always present, hence the level of depression is very low, practically symbolic.
And it is these differences (in spite of Byzantine and bizarre) that pitted Northern Europe against Southern Europe. It was good that there was one that understood the other.
I no longer want to mention here the populist regimes that some countries have, which makes understanding much more difficult.
Right now, I believe we have two Europes, clearly distinct in their thoughts and in their view of each other.
For the sake of a Europe that wants to be united, it would be good if they reached an agreement of understanding, otherwise, it will be the whole European project that will be in question, through the fault of 4 or 5 countries.