The near future Numeric-Industrial Complex
Numeric-Industrial Complex
Here and now, we will develop a « Numeric-Industrial Complex » to tackle the current industrial challenges meaning these 10 elements of the « Intelligence-Digital-Mesh » to secure the Humanity's future and Earth's vitality.
Like 80 years ago, the Americans were building their « Military-Industrial Complex » to coordinate civilian industries and shift them into wartime production to win World War II with their European allies.
This « Numeric-Industrial Complex » is dedicated to commercializing disruptive industrial processes and leading algorithms to consolidate the Strategic Dominance Positioning (SDP) of its business partners and strengthen the geopolitical status to its allies.
This « Numeric-Industrial Complex » will generate both new business concepts, breakthrough industrial processes for the maintenance of the Biosphere, and leading third-generation artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms (Energetism vs. logical / reasoning). This third AI generation will be the "heart" software tools from the current and future market leaders of Product LifeCycle Management-PLM.
This « Numeric-Industrial Complex » will ensure the reliability and security of industrial data volume (IIoT) and the power of high-performance computing capacity (20 MW).
Today China upraises to the first rang of world industrial production. Chinese industrial products now account for 26% of the planet's total production. The European Union is in second place with 19.3% and is nearly two points ahead of the United States. A notch lower Japan is behind and closes the market with 8.4% of the industrial wealth generated.
THE FOUR PILLARS of this near Numeric-Industrial Complex
1) Clean Energy (Hydroelectricity-GHG free)
2) Industrial Data (Data Centre -100 MW ) (Industrial Internet of Things- IIoT)
3) Knowledge (Artificial Intelligence) (New algorithms)
4) Industrial Processes (Disruptive industrial processes) (Geopolitics Alliances)
Although China is not yet in the same category in terms of technology intensity and level of sophistication, European industrial decision-makers are directly threatened by the rapid pace with which China is deploying the growth in the density of algorithms to increase productivity and to create breakthrough innovation in its industrial processes.
Now the productivity ratio of Europe is only 3x versus China compared to 15x for the United States.
This « Numeric-Industrial Complex » offers the opportunity to European industrial decision-makers and policymakers to act now on the state of emergency of the situation they are faced with.
This « Numeric-Industrial Complex » will develop a real global leadership by becoming an asset to the broadening of the European spectrum of its "Soft Power" which will exponentially increase the influence of the European "Normative Power" in this race for industrial supremacy.
Senior Advisor Innovation with a focus on Digital Identity + Team Leader to enable Smart Building Roadmap & Community Builder
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5ySOFT POWER; Must Include: 1. Long Term Vision of what exactly should be ....done..... with all this data Basic Humanity, ....Morals........ and ................Guide Lines....................... (Example not used to monitor if a person is J-walking for example), but using it to "help humanity" (example: Fund Raising for Specific Causes to resolve specific issues, one community at a time, mind set. (Over coming problems, in the area). 2. Global Vision Bringing, Understanding of Cultural Differences bases on respect. Learning and having an open mind, to new ideas and a.... PHILOSOPHY..... BASED DIALOGUE, where everyone can have a word in WITHOUT being right or WITHOUT being wrong. (Includes, Calgary's right to produce oil and gas and to sell it world wide). 3. Moving always, towards PEACE. HUMANITY, FREEDOM, SUCCESS OF THE FAMILY, .....WITHOUT .... government interference, or tyranny. Using Engineering Tools, for better transportation of Oil, in a Green Friendly way. Last I checked our Airlines still use it. West Jet could lead the way.