Nutritious Gluten-free Diet - Rescuer for my Polyautoimmunity (Psoriasis & Celiac disease)
Normally your immune system recognizes your own cells and doesn’t attack them. Autoimmune diseases are when your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells as though they were outside invaders attacking your body.
There are more than 100 autoimmune diseases. Some autoimmune diseases involve just one part of your body — such as your skin in psoriasis. Others are systemic, involving your whole body.
What all autoimmune disorders have in common is that they’re caused by a combination of genes and environmental factors.
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by red itchy patches of skin covered with silvery-white scales. It’s a chronic condition. Symptoms can come and go, and can range in severity.
Celiac disease is a digestive and autoimmune disorder that can damage your small intestine. People with celiac disease might experience symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, gas, anemia and growth issues. Celiac disease can be triggered by a protein called gluten. Gluten is found in grains, like wheat, barley and rye.
In Jan.2019 when my genetic #polyautoimmunity was clinically detected w.r.t. #psoriasis and #celiacdisease, the main thing of my concern was my #hair.
I believe HAIR is the antenna of your health.
Not many will know that dadu and nana ji (dadan) were both bald and their balding happened in their early thirties. So, definitely some of their balding genes may have been transferred in me as well.
From 2017 onwards,
- my hair was thinning,
- with decreased density & strength,
- with lots of dandruff and scalp-skin peel off and with few grey hairs were surfacing.
- and yes, male pattern baldness was increasing as well.
I had to really work hard on the hair-dressing before I could take a good pic to be put in social media.
Now, I feel these issues have been arrested a bit. Haven’t trimmed my hair since Jun.2020. Doing some more experimentation.
My immunological and maybe hormonal imbalance are now getting better.
The major reasons are -
- I have totally removed gluten foods & abide by Sportify GlutenFree Nutritional Thesis from Jan.2019
- limited the junk food intake,
- given-up mutton (2010), chicken (2019) and fish (2014),
- have increased more fruits and vegetables in my diet (2020)
- increased plant protein intake to atleast 60g protein per day (as per my current body weight)
- consciously deep-breath 10-25 times a day (2021)
- regular on key organic natural food supplements as my body requirements (2020) and
- have been conscious on my body weight management from 2019. (Max-92kg & lowest ~81kg)
What I need to improve further is increasing my physical exercise time allocation.
Hope, the above points can be useful to people who are sailing in the same boat.
Do check a video link on my poly-autoimmunity, uploaded 3 months ago:
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