The old “Chief Problem”: Speed versus Disruption, the balancing act is unrevealing!
No more Bi-Model IT, but a Renewable Enterprise; There is no end state in IT Projects anymore.
The old “Chief Problem” has been exacerbated over the past two years because of the speed of technology and socio-economic shift. Currently you can’t really afford disruption to your running business, but you need to transform to keep up with all the changes. The speed of change around your business has just been increasing. Being Technologically sound today is all about flexibility, manoeuvrability and interlocked with business change. And maybe the most difficult one is that there is no end state anymore with clearly defined deliverables. The balancing act between business and IT is unrevealing at a high speed.
Do you agree that you can’t run business anymore without IT? If so than you also agree that if you want to Reposition your business, you need to revamp your IT. Business transformation is an IT transformation, there is no escaping anymore. So Business is technology and technology is business.
If this is true, why are we still trying to manage ERP transformations like just IT projects? And why are we looking at ROI on the systems instead of looking at the ROI on business? Putting in a new state of the art IT systems like SAP S4HANA can deliver tremendous benefit, but they also have an enormous impact on the organisation. So, if you embark on this journey without understanding what value drivers are for your business, will make this a very difficult and multiyear painful transformation, that will deliver subpar results and zero to no innovation to your business. This is nothing new, but way is it still happing?
It is mindset! My statement is that you can’t transform your business anymore without transforming your IT systems, and enterprise Applications that you run, Like SAP. This has become so interwoven that there is no distinction anymore between transforming your organisations business or operating model and transforming your ERP. But this also goes the other way. If you are transforming your ERP, you are doing a business transformation. There is no space anymore to run Bi-modal IT, instead you need to embrace becoming a ‘Renewable enterprise'.
This all is very theoretical and words that don’t mean anything without proper action. Normally we define a couple transformation value drivers and levers to pull, like standardisation of processes, harmonisation of the different enterprise applications and innovation to bring in new technologies like AI/IoT. But this doesn’t give us the direction that we need, because we don’t know what we are trying to achieve. And standardize to what? Innovate what, what are the gaps? Becoming a renewable enterprise is like DNA Double-Helix where Business and IT are indistinguishable but produce amazing results. It is not about working with an end-state in mind, because there is no end state!
Let us make it a bit more concrete by taking a current macro driver for business transformations that everyone is dealing with; Sustainability and maybe more specifically the Race to Net Zero. Making that a driver will make it easier to setup the system you need, it is easier to explain that everything you do in the IT transformation needs to be looked through the lens of a Race to Net Zero. It is about managing mindset. Think about how do you want your supply chain of the future to look like? How will you set up your supply chain to be cost effective, efficient and have the least amount of emissions? How does you procurement process make sure that you know what you are buying and how it impacts your ‘NetZero’ chase. When do you produce locally, when locally? How do you make sure your suppliers are adhering to your standards? How do you design and product your products for Circularity? How do you optimize you Transportation Management to make NetZero? All these questions need to be answered by business and IT together.
My ending thoughts.
Next couple of years will be driven by large and costly IT projects that will seem as delivering no value, and just slurping up money. This is because a lot of the Current large enterprises are not setup for the new speed of technological advancements that are happing in the world of IT. Lot of them have already embarked on this journey, and we have seen an enormous spike in activity in this year after the first lockdowns have happened. There are multiple factors, but I think the biggest one is that we have experienced first-hand how import IT has become to our organisation’s operations.
“We overestimate what we can do in 1day, but underestimate what we can do in a year”! The levers that we need to pull are more and more becoming about changing people, mindsets, and organizational structures that a more fluid and can flow so that we can absorb all the disruptions happening.
Let me end with a couple observation and things I’m thinking about:
⁃ Flexibility and speed over stability are key to survival
⁃ It is not a question ‘if’, but 'when' you are going to transform your ERP to fit the new reality
⁃ If you are still talking about Business and IT as 2 different entities your transformation will fail
⁃ If you just look at the classical drivers of IT, no value will come to your business
⁃ If you are looking for a business case just for your IT transformation, you will not find one, because it is not decoupled of your business outcomes
⁃ There is no value in cloud unless you bind it to new capabilities that you unlock for your business
Recommended by LinkedIn
⁃ Ask questions like “how will new technologies unlock new business potential” and let yourself be inspired by them to take a different approach to your business. If you don’t others will do it for you
⁃ Business leaders of the future need to be technology leaders
⁃ Online is the new world so embrace it
⁃ IT is Business and Business is IT, now more than even
⁃ There is no end state in IT Projects anymore
Some sources to read more:
Director at Capgemini
3yGreat article !!!
Group Technology VP at Capgemini ❤️ Ergo a Techguy "a Massive Technology enthusiast, among other enthusiasts that are building towards a better future, making lasting impact" 🥰
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