ONCE UPON A TIME....................
Once upon a time, I was a peaceful Stone,
No feeling of guilt, never a need to atone.
Once upon a time, I was a tall and proud tree,
Without any fear, I was standing firm and free.
Once upon a time, I was a blooming Lilly flower,
I did not know shame, I had no need to cover.
Once upon a time, I was an innocent little cow,
I was chewing all my problems, and never asked how?
Once upon a time, I was a robust rooster,
At dawn, I was "roosting", without any booster.
Once upon a time, I was a glowing firefly,
Always showing the way, happy as a butterfly.
Now that I am a man, I have a quilt made of guilt,
I am trembling with fear, though Spirit-built.
Now that I am a man, I look at the watch,
Always in mind, trapping the next catch.
Now That I am a man, I am clinging to my ego,
That imposter, who let my energy squander and go.
Now that I am a man, I carry the pain of the past,
Being anxious about tomorrow, My life runs fast.
Maybe I should go back to my eternal Source,
And slumber in peace, without exerting my force!