Online Mindfulness Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder
Online Mindfulness Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder via Skype
One of the best approaches for overcoming Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy.
During Skype therapy sessions you will learn how to work with your anxiety using the powerful techniques of Mindfulness Therapy as developed by Peter Strong, PhD.
Real change happens when you focus on developing a mindful relationship with your anxiety that is based on compassion and non-reactivity.
This inner relationship is essential and healing will occur only when this relationship is strong. Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to cultivate and strengthen this relationship with your anxiety.
Learn more about Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for Social Anxiety Disorder.
Contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session.
Go to my main website to learn more and to schedule a Skype Therapy session: Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety
Online Therapist for Anxiety via Skype - Learn how to deal with social anxiety
Contact me via email if you would like to schedule Online Mindfulness-based psychotherapy with me.
Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…
"Before my sessions with Dr Peter Strong, I suffered from depression. No matter what I tried, I got nowhere. It was like running around in a circle, I felt trapped.
In the first session, I found out my main problem; resisting and avoiding emotions. A few sessions later, I clearly noticed the difference in me. By mindfully accepting negative feelings, they are released and eventually replaced by positive ones.
I am a happier person now and have achieved much more in life. Enjoying life to the fullest!
Thank you Peter…"
During these sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for healing all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, chronic depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other emotional problems, by using the very successful teachings of Mindfulness Therapy.
This approach is very effective and most of my clients/students see significant improvements after the first few Skype sessions with me.
Online Mindfulness Therapy is very effective for stopping anxiety and depression without relying on medications. It is better to treat the underlying psychological cause of your emotional pain as opposed to just treating symptoms.
Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety through Skype
Please feel free to email me if you would like to learn more about Online Psychotherapy sessions via Skype with me.
So if you'd like to talk to an online therapist for anxiety then I do encourage you to go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service that I make available for helping people manage their anxiety more effectively using the techniques of mindfulness therapy.
So mindfulness therapy is a very powerful way of overcoming anxiety and really getting to the root of the anxiety and overcoming the underlying habitual cause of your anxiety.
We do this by really developing a very conscious and also a very friendly relationship with our anxiety, and of course this is counter-intuitive. We mostly try to avoid our anxiety, we try to run away from it. But as logical as that may seem, if you avoid your anxiety and run away from it or react to it with some form of suppression or even if you simply try to distract yourself from your anxiety you will end up making it worse.
It's only when you face your anxiety head on, but in a strategic and skilled way that you will create the right conditions for that anxiety to heal. So mindfulness therapy gives you a very practical set of tools for doing just this, for helping heal that underlying anxiety so that you can be free from it.
The methods are very effective and they are techniques that I will teach you that you can apply yourself between sessions, thereby greatly enhancing the recovery process. Most people who I work with can expect to see significant improvements within the first three to four sessions. When you start applying Mindfulness Therapy yourself you will rapidly develop the skills needed to heal your anxiety.
The first technique that I will teach you is how to meditate on your anxiety. Now most people think that meditation is a way of escaping emotional suffering, trying to free the mind of thoughts and emotions. But that's very incorrect. Mindfulness meditation is not about escaping the mind, it's about actually changing the relationship that you have with your mind. It's about learning how to develop internal compassion, internal equanimity, the ability to sit with your emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. Without reacting with fear to your own anxiety, and so on.
We have to learn to develop a very stable and very non-reactive relationship that's based on friendliness and love. This is what produces healing. There are many traditions that teach this in one form or another, but very few traditions of psychotherapy actually show you how to develop this internal mindful compassion towards your own emotions.
This is totally different than just talking about your anxiety. Talking may produce some temporary relief from the symptoms, just like medications can produce temporary relief from the symptoms of anxiety. But just talking or just using medications is not sufficient. You have to change the way that you relate to the anxiety itself and you have to help it heal. You have to teach the anxiety how to heal itself. And there's nothing better for doing this than developing this internal compassion and friendliness that are so characteristic of mindfulness.
So if you would like to learn precisely how to do this and you would like training in how to do this, how to apply mindfulness for healing your anxiety, and you like the idea of working with an online therapist to help you overcome your anxiety, then please reach out to me and let's schedule an online therapy session. Most people see big changes even after the first session with me. Once you start applying the mindfulness methods that I will teach you will see traumatic changes.
This is a well-tested and well-documented methodology that produces results.
So if you would like to get started with me, do send me an email. Tell me about your specific struggle with anxiety and tell me what you've tried so far and then we can schedule a session so you can learn how to apply mindfulness for overcoming your anxiety more effectively.
How to overcome anxiety disorder without medication - Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety available via Skype or FaceTime or Zoom
Please contact me via my website if you would like to talk to an online psychotherapist for help with anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, OCD and phobia.
So would you like to see an online therapist for anxiety? Seeing an online psychotherapist for the treatment of anxiety is a very good option if you specifically want to learn how to manage your anxiety yourself without relying on continual treatment by a psychotherapist or medications.
Medications are useful in some cases but typically do very little, indeed, to change the underlying cause of your anxiety. And that's what you really need to focus on if you want to recover.
So we don't want to become reliant on a therapist or medications or other treatment protocols to overcome our anxiety.
Rather focus your efforts on learning how to manage your emotions and thoughts more effectively. And that's what I teach during my online Mindfulness Therapy sessions.
I will show you very practical ways of eliminating anxiety by working with your emotions using mindfulness.
So Mindfulness Therapy is similar in some ways, some properties, to CBT but it's actually much more focused on helping you change emotions directly, on promoting healing rather than trying to get you to change your views or beliefs as is the typical focus in CBT.
We want to find those emotions that are stuck, essentially, and we want to help them change and heal so that you no longer feel anxiety when you encounter the triggers in your life that trigger anxiety. That's the goal and, in my opinion, Mindfulness Therapy is one of the most effective methods for achieving this goal.
So if you like to learn more and you are interested in seeing an online psychotherapist for anxiety then simply go to my website and contact me and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you.
Most of my clients come to me for help with anxiety and want to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome their anxiety.
Typically clients have already tried conventional talk therapy, sometimes for years. Most of my clients also have had experience with prescription medications and anti-anxiety medications, and usually want to do something different.
The overwhelming opinion from my clients is that talk therapy, just talking about your emotions, is not really very effective in the long term, and the same for medications, they may provide a temporary relief, but they do not provide a long-term solution for anxiety.
So people come to me, and if you want to start with me, then simply send me an email, and you will see significant improvements after the first three or four sessions with me because the focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to teach you how to work with your emotions and how to promote healing of the anxiety and depression and other emotional suffering.
So please contact me if you'd like to get started with online therapy for your anxiety. Thank you.