Orthomolecular Medicine
Covid-19 Cures cost and consequences, it's well know that Orthomolecular Medicine will kill any virus on earth including Covid-19 and Ebola. In this article we'll asked the big with that being said question. Why are we seeing needless deaths from this threatening virus? Because doctors, health authorities, hospital administrators and politicians have not read history.
Not even the Chinese! Last week, several members of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service were asked, “How would you treat the coronavirus?” Here are opinions of experts who study the potential of nutrients to fight disease.
Dr. Andrew W. Saul, an international expert on vitamin therapy, says, “The coronavirus can be dramatically slowed or stopped completely with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Bowel tolerance levels of C taken in divided doses throughout the day, is a clinically proven antiviral, without equal.”
Saul adds, “Dr. Robert F. Cathcart, who had extensive experience treating viral diseases remarked, ‘I have not seen any flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin.'"
Professor Victor Marcial-Vega of the Caribe School of Medicine responds, “Given the relatively high rate of success of intravenous vitamin C in viral diseases and my observation of clinical improvement within two to three hours of treatment, I strongly believe it would be my first recommendation in the management of the coronavirus.”
He adds, “I have also used intravenous vitamin C to treat patients with influenza, dengue fever, and chikungunya, for 24 years.”
Dr. Jeffery Allyn Ruterbusch, associate professor at Central Michigan University, says, “I believe all of us agree on the greatly increased benefits of vitamin C when people are placed under any stressful condition.”
Dr. Damien Downing, former editor of the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, writes, “Swine flu, bird flu, and SARS, all developed in selenium-deficient China. When patients were given selenium, viral mutation rates dropped and immunity improved.
Linus Pauling has taken us in a dramatically new direction in his thinking and research. Pauling had enjoyed widespread fame as the world’s greatest chemist and tireless peace advocate for many decades, but his venture into the field of nutrition, especially concerning micronutrients and their role in maintaining mental and physical health, attracted new attention and ignited controversy.
In a letter published in the June 14th issue of Science, Donald Oken, a psychiatrist in the National Institutes of Health, wrote: within this global crisis big pharma, WHO, CDC along with federal and state government agencies are looking for treatments.
Pauling discussed evidence from four such trials in his book. In a new edition of that book, Vitamin C, the Common Cold, and the Flu, published in 1976, Pauling added material on influenza, especially concerning the work of Jungeblut and Murata on the inactivation of viruses by vitamin C and the work of Klenner, Morishige, Murata, and others on the prophylactic and therapeutic effect of vitamin C in viral diseases.
24 Pauling noted that in 1935 Jungeblut was the first to report that high-dose vitamin C inactivates poliomyelitis virus, and he was intrigued by Klenner’s use of very high-dose vitamin C, usually given intravenously, to treat viral diseases like hepatitis, poliomyelitis, and pneumonia, and toxicological conditions like venomous snake bites.