Even as the American presidential election is less than a week away, 6 days to be exact with over half of the citizens-voters having caste their votes already in the early voting periods which by yesterday is still on, one wonders if any write up is still necessary. That question need not be asked because millions of dollars of TV advert is still running. And talking about the Presidential election, the erroneous impression is that only BIDEN and TRUMP are contesting to for White House Occupancy by January 2021. It will shock you if you have voted that these are not the only 2 names for the office of President on the ballot – not to talk about WRITE-IN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIATES that did not make the ballot. And so at this junction this writer will not deviate from the make believe notion that TRUMP and BIDEN are the only two contestants for the office of President.
And the hottest yardstick of consideration for who will be a better President is how each of them handled or will handle the PANDEMIC. So the question is asked is the international Virus outbreak a catalyst of a constant in determining who is better to be President: TRUMP or BIDEN? There are many underlying factors to consider here among which is that TRUMP already has experience but anything said about BIDEN is only a conjecture or mere gambling or guesswork – I mean how he would handle this world wide catastrophe; even if either of them where medical doctors, that does not guarantee anything; but Biden read English in the University and Trump Economics.
Me think that other factors should therefore be used in gauging who will be a better President while not forgetting that traces of these menace started while Biden and Obama were Vice President and President of America. What Biden could not do then with all other failing of that government, is it now that he will work a magic? In previous articles this writer has asserted with prove that both has almost the same failings including women. I have never said it before but I do hear it that the Devil you know is better that the one you don't know.
And so to answer our question: is the Pandemic a Catalyst or a Constant. A catalyst is a chemical substance while a constant is a part of a mathematical equation, a given – just to remind some that may have forgotten. We used catalyst to change the rate of change of a reaction whereas a constant is a given which we just plug into an equation to arrive at the solution of a problem. What then is this Corona Virus? We cannot and not use it to determine how good a president is even if he were a medical doctor talk less of a Realtor? May God grant success to scientific effort worldwide to completely eradicate and exterminate the virus – as they say in Africa (Lagos) MI O RI IRU ELEYI RI O. But am sure most people will agree the TRUMP by what he has down in his first term deserves another 4 years as President of the United States of America POTUSA