Winning is not the goal

Winning is not the goal

I was listening to Pavel Stodůlka 's talk a few days ago in #Vienna, and he emphasized how important it is to prioritize quality during surgery. The topic wasn't solely about medical and surgical techniques; it revolved around how to build a successful practice.

Dr. Stodůlka is one of the most successful doctors in the The European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) realm, a great speaker and manages multiple clinics across Europe. He shared his early mistakes when he first decided to open a new practice in Austria, which was a departure from his practice in the Czech Republic. Initially, the new clinic wasn't successful. Despite seeing many patients, none of them were booking surgeries.

Dr. Stodůlka then revealed the key to his success to the audience: he had to restructure his mindset.

His new approach was to focus on giving his best effort and stop worrying about the rest. Results came, he became successful and people started to recognize him in the street, besides his Czech accent ;-)

If we apply this valuable experience to the world of sports, we could say that the shift in mindset was from "I have to win" to "I have to do my best".

Winning should never be the primary goal because it's not entirely within our control. When you run, the wind may be against you; when you jump, the floor could be slippery, and in horseback jumping, the horse might have low energy. If you consistently give your best effort, winning may naturally follow. In the realm of probability, if you consistently do your best, you're more likely to win. On the other hand, if you settle for "so-so" efforts, you'll need even more luck to secure a victory.

So, should you give up on the desire to win? Not at all.

Having a dream to inspire you each morning when the alarm rings and your bed is warm is crucial. It's important to keep in mind "why am I doing this?" But even more critical is how well you choose to pursue your goals.

Here's a little tip: dreams are more powerful when they have a broader purpose beyond just you. "I do it because I want to become rich" is an okay dream, but "I do it because I want to become rich and provide a better life for my aging parents who have done so much for me" is a much stronger and motivating dream.

No matter what your dream is, remember this: stay focused on doing your best at all times.

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