Peace-of-Mind: How to Live it and Share It

Peace-of-Mind: How to Live it and Share It

During the last few weeks I have caught myself multiple times slipping into worry and fear about the future.

Sometimes it is the first thing I think of when I wake up. Other times my thoughts drift to wondering about the future. I try to balance reading the news without feeling overwhelmed by it all but even one headline can send my thoughts into a downward spiral.

From there, my whole mood can change, sending me into a slump.

Because we are all living in the feeling of our thinking, when my thoughts slip into worry, fearful, or negative thinking, so does my mood.

But here is what I know to be true:

At any moment, we can pull back out of any thought system that is not creating a peaceful feeling.

And with me sitting in a bad mood with negative thinking, I am not improving the situation that is happening in our world. Instead, I am adding to the worry and fear that is already pervasive.

How I show up and how I am being creates a ripple effect that has a positive or negative effect on all those around me.

I love how Dr. Joe Dispenza explains this ripple effect via The Electric Universe Theory. He shares that recent research has been completed demonstrating that it is electricity, not gravity, that is the dominant force in the universe. It shows that all forms of matter, from the cells in our bodies to stars and planetary bodies, are all intimately connected by plasma. This plasma connects all physical matter via a unified field. In Physics, this field is referred to as the Quantum Field.

In fact the study of Quantum Physics began in the early 1900’s, when scientists wanted to explore the unseen container that holds all physical matter. Up until that point Newtonian physics focused on the relationship between all physical objects (ie. gravity), but science began to wonder what force created the container that held all our galaxies within it.

(Yes, I am secretly a science nerd that reads about physics for fun)

I see it as we are all radio transceivers. A transceiver is a device that both receives and transmits radio waves.

As transceivers, we can choose if want to be a receiver or a transmitter.

Let me explain:

For most of my life, I was always very sensitive. If people around me felt sad, angry, or upset, I would absorb and feel those emotions in my own body and then feel the same way. How I felt was always very much at the whim of my circumstances.

In hindsight I can that I was acting as a radio receiver, absorbing and reacting to the world around me.

But what I see now is that any of us can choose to be a transceiver.

We can intentionally select how we want to feel, and then transmit that to the world around us.

Our true nature is calm, content, and peaceful. And when we practice clearing our mind and intentionally focusing on living from our true nature that is always peaceful, we share our true nature with those around us by transmitting from the inside out.

Therefore when I intentionally feel peaceful, because at my core it is who I really am, I share that with my family, my friends, my community, and, according to the unified quantum field in physics and the Electric Universe Theory, there is the potential to share this with the world.

I create a positive ripple effect that is nonverbally shared from the inside out.

You must have noticed there are some people who always feel tense and stressful to be around? And there are others who feel calm, warm and welcoming? That is their energy, their feeling state, that they are transmitting from the inside out.

Returning to the current political turmoil, I may not be on the frontlines of the conflict (for which I’m deeply grateful for) but here sitting at my computer in my office, I am hopeful that by sharing my peaceful state-of-mind, I am contributing to positive change in the world, rather than adding to the fear, confusion, and upset.

At the very least by tuning into my peaceful center I feel calmer and more content each day.

And at the very most, I’m transmitting and sharing peace with all those around me.

As I’m writing this on November 11th, the day we celebrate Remembrance Day here in Canada, this message feels more important than ever.

If you would like to feel more peaceful, here is one action step that has been helpful for me to get started:

When I find myself with a few spare minutes, rather than mindlessly scrolling through news headlines or social media, I take those few minutes to sit quietly. I tune inward and notice, how am I showing up today? What am I sharing with the world? I take a few deep breaths and return to peace, and with intention, create that ripple effect to share it.

As a transceiver of the unified quantum field, we get to choose if we will be a receiver or a transmitter.  

Will you be a receiver or a transmitter?

You’ve got this,


Tracey Gazel 

Consultant | Coach | Author | Speaker 

Rising Higher Consulting Inc. 

P.S. Curious to learn more in how to be an intentional transmitter?

1. Get my support as a Secret Advantage (formerly called Secret Weapon but that title wasn't working for me anymore..).

This is for one successful leader, founder, or changemaker who wants to:

• Reduce frustration in going into work each day and enhance mental clarity

• Manage your emotions and show up even-keeled each day

• Quiet your mind and improve focus

• Discuss and solve interpersonal conflicts at work

• Improve relationships at home, and

• Shut it all off at the end of the day to feel content and relaxed while away from work

..all while having someone hold you accountable in progressing forward.

We meet regularly to talk through whatever you’re up against and continue to set you up for success.

I have two opportunities to work together 1:1 starting at the end of 2023. If you're interested send me a message here on LinkedIn and say, "Tracey, I'm interested in hearing more about your 1:1".

2.Prefer the support of community? I am collaborating with a colleague Maureen Gaetz-Faubert to host two free workshops in January and February for women titled Finding Peace and Calm. We will be meeting on Zoom to share how you can ground yourself every day and be your best self. I will be sharing the registration page for these free workshops in the coming weeks - stay tuned!

Dana A. Oliver

Sr. Director of R & D at Medtronic (retired), Author of "Mantra Leadership", "Mantra Design", & "Finding Heaven"


Thanks Tracey Gazel - as noted social media is a haven for bullies and bad news. I prescribe to no more than 20 minutes of social media a day to help keep your inner peace in check.

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