Peek-a-boo! How hiding the like count will affect you.
Photo credit: Prateek Katyal

Peek-a-boo! How hiding the like count will affect you.

I ran a poll recently on my Instagram story asking if people were in favor of or against the recent news about Instagram rolling out the hiding of likes on posts.

Instagram story poll by Chris Norris

The results were convincingly in support of this move. I am not surprised by this and here is why: ever since the original “thumbs up” button was introduced via Facebook, the almighty Like carries too much weight.

We measure our social media success by it.

We measure our creativity by it.

We measure our relatability by it.

And worst yet, we measure our self-worth by it.

Raise your hand if you’re happier with 5 comments than 100 likes on a post 🙋🏻‍♂️

With that being said, this is the future of social media…THE LIKES ARE GOING AWAY. There may even be a day where follower count doesn’t matter yet either. So, we need to prepare for this and look at the bright side of this shift in the culture of social media marketing.

Here are just a few ways you as a small business, brand, influencer, marketer or mommy blogger will be affected by the loss of Instagram likes:

  1. You can hang with the big dogs now! Perhaps in the past, some of your competitors or peers were seeing hundreds of likes on their posts, thus making you feel inadequate. Now, that doesn’t matter and the quality of your message matters again instead of how many likes you got compared to others.
  2. On the same note, bigger brands or businesses who may have purchased likes (yes that is a thing…Google, “Instagram Growth Services”) will now be exposing their weakness and forced to measure metrics besides like counts.
  3. Speaking of metrics that matter, no more likes means you to focus on just that! There are way better ways to measure social media success through metrics that matter such as comments, reposts, saves, swipe-ups and DMs inquiries just to name a few.
  4. A focus (or re-focus) on creating content that promotes community and conversation. This one is my favorite because I love posts that promote conversation among my followers and through that conversation, you’re building community. No more “Like this post if…” type content, now you’re aiming for more, “We want to hear from you…” type posts that your followers will appreciate.
  5. And finally, on a more personal level, no more likes counts means no more measuring your success or self-worth. We live in a culture of comparison and how many likes you receive on a photo is one very easy, yet dangerous way to compare ourselves (personally or professionally) to others.

Are you in favor of losing the likes count on your posts? Why or why not?

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