Peer Into Fear
It’s there,
Within more and more of us,
Waiting to be seen
And acknowledged.
But many of us
Are afraid of our fear.
We view it
As a sign of weakness.
So we hide from our fear.
But until we see our fear,
We’ll be ruled by it
And it will limit our potential.
We need to look for it,
Explore it,
Understand why it’s there,
And how it limits us.
That’s the launchpad
For moving beyond our fear.
It will move us
To draw out emotions
That will help us
To act
In spite of fear.
That’s the paradox –
We need to see the fear
To move beyond it.
<This poem originally appeared on my website and it marks the launch of my new book, The Journey Beyond Fear, that can be purchased here>
Founder of Rosebud Woman. Host of The Rose Woman podcast. Author. Philosopher at Large. I start and grow organizations, create conversations and channel ideas that each serve a more just, joyful and connected world.
3yYou are a treasure of a thinker
I help people learn so something different is possible
3ySitting quietly with such wise words.
Solutions Consultant, Speaker, Writer, Producer Co-Founder (Paradise Gin) Global Women in Leadership Award 2022
3yAs we get older I find that there are fears that I just couldn't be bothered to care about anymore. They become small and insignificant in the whole scheme of things. When you face it you become numb to it.
I simplify complexity and connect dots to create value | Chief Curiosity Officer
3ySo true John Hagel. Super relevant.