Pellenc ST stays focus
As a sorting machines manufacturer for the waste and recycling industry, Pellenc ST supports the continuity of essential services. In line with this responsibility, we have maintained our activities during the crisis, and wanted to share our experience on this first phase of the crisis, which ends with the partial end of lockdown on 11 May in France.
Maintaining our activities during the crisis
Since the beginning of the crisis, Pellenc ST has ensured the continuity of its Services. We have been present in the field, in France, and throughout our territories, to ensure essential interventions for our customers in strict compliance with local regulations. Our headquarter staff continued their activities remotely (technical & commercial offers for new projects, monitoring of ongoing business, accounting, human resources, etc.). Finally, we maintained production and were able to count on the full mobilization of the teams dedicated to testing, developing products and technologies. Thanks to them, a new brick of innovation was also developed in full lockdown.
To maintain the activity, the entire value chain including our suppliers had to remain in place. Pellenc ST has always favored proximity with a majority of components manufactured in France and more than 90% of them based in Europe. During the crisis, the company took full advantage of its network of close partners to ensure continuous equipment deliveries to sites under construction throughout Europe, Japan and the United States. We avoided disruptions in our supply chain, and delivery delays were generally contained.
The company could also count on the support of the French industry and the government, which helps to secure business activity in a still uncertain context.
A resilient model
From a commercial point of view, the impact of the lockdown on our activity appears to be limited fo the time being. According to the latest report on the impact of the crisis published by Citeo, 70% of sorting centers remain open in France. A similar situation is found throughout Europe and is even more favorable in Japan and the United States.
Before the crisis, we had a solid order backlog, with an increase of over 30% compared to 2019. Furthermore, "short-term demand is slightly down but market fundamentals are quite solid". Delays in the execution of projects, due to the halt of several construction sites, remain under surveillance, to better understand the effect on our 2020 economic objectives, but my management team and I are serene while remaining attentive.
Besides, the regulatory context supports the industry's investments. With the adoption of the Circular Economy Action Plan by the European Union and health measures increasingly encouraging the automation of sorting, numerous projects for the creation or the renovation of MRFs are being launched all over the world.
"Our growth plan and our 2025 ambitions are maintained", Jérémie Garbe, Sales & Marketing Director
Gradual return to our facility
We have announced our plan for the gradual reintegration of employees into its facility. The challenge being to restart our activity while taking into account all of the Government's recommendations.
"We have reviewed our entire social and logistical organization, based on what has always been our strength: agility, teamwork, and proximity"
The first step was to carry out an inventory of the constraints of the employees (fragile people, childcare...), to be able to plan a gradual return to the Pertuis site. As soon as they return, all employees will receive a safety kit with hydroalcoholic gel, masks and cleaning equipment, along with instructions for use.
The second step was to reorganize the entire company. Offices were spaced out and separation board were installed between each station. A direction of circulation and specific signage (barrier gestures...) have been put in place and the number of people per workspace will also be limited to ensure social distancing. Thus, the refectory has been enlarged and meals will now be taken in 3 courses. In addition to these actions, maintenance procedures have been reinforced with cleaning actions targeted in particular on collective spaces and points of contact (toilets, handles, etc.).
"In all our premises, a follow-up of risk situations will be carried out to ensure traceability and guarantee the safety of all", Nicolas Sieurin, QSE and Infrastructure Manager.
Finally, Pellenc ST has adapted its travel policy with prior validation of missions and compliance with health rules at the intervention and accommodation sites. Pellenc ST technicians will also be provided with a sanitary kit and will continue to apply the recommendations in close collaboration with our clients' teams.
People at the heart of our approach
To ensure the success of this takeover, I pay particular attention to the quality of its internal communication and social dialogue. The objective is to involve our employees by adopting protective measures but also by communicating clearly and continuously. The company has chosen to rely on personalized management and communication to stay as close as possible to employees' concerns.
To carry out this mission, they can now rely on new tools. Pellenc ST had already begun the shift to digital technology and this has proved to be a tremendous asset in adapting to new constraints. Since the beginning of the lockdown, the digitalization process has been accelerated, it has opened the way to new ways of working, collaborating, and managing. We will have to know how to use them wisely, without forgetting that the human and social bond will always remain at the heart of our company.
Jean Henin, Pellenc ST President