People are Key, Lock Down Diatribe, Idoit Family Members, Mind Nourishment
“Remember that it’s only by going off the track that you get to know the country...And don’t let me beg you, go with that awful tourist idea that Italy’s only a museum of antiquities and art. Love and understand the Italians, for the people are more marvelous than the land.”
Good morning friends and enemies, it’s Friday, you made it, how will you finish this week? I’m finishing strong and long. My Queen is up; she made coffee this morning; the pup has changed our routine; for 12 years, I have been first to get up, now with the “baby,” Mom is up first making coffee.
I am finding that my life is split between person-days and virtual days. Yesterday was 90% virtual; I spent my morning Zooming with folks from around the country. I walked to lunch at Torta’s tacos with a long time client; it was good to catch up with Jeff. Good taco’s, good chat, I returned to take the pup for a walk.
As we dined, Jeff shared about Bristol, TN, the main street is split between Tennessee and Virginia. One state is open; the other is not. One side of the road is filled with activity and commerce, while the Virginia business owners watch as their dream of business ownership is slowly ripped away. Careful who you vote for folks; they might try and steal your dreams.
There was another story that got some traction this week. The authorities shut down a California woman who owned the Pineapple Bar and Grill. But alas, there was a film crew next door that had the same set up that was allowed to have 120 people dining for some T.V. show. You see T.V. is an important business, but this young ladies restaurant is not. Does this make sense? Are you watching?
We Zoomed with our business coach, an hour of power; we worked on our 2021 KPI’s. We looked at our critical success factors; he keeps our ship headed in the right direction, we like to work on the company. If you are looking for a business coach, might I recommend Robert aka Bob Dodge in Denver? He can work worldwide.
I wrapped up that call and had another Zoom scheduled. I got on, sat looking pretty, waiting on my new friend to show up. He ghosted me; I sent him an email about an hour later, he responded. His lunch went long, so sorry, let’s reschedule.
So how do you deal with that? A blown Zoom call, I can tell you how I navigate that issue. I give grace. I get random requests for meetings through LinkedIn, people looking to pick my brain for whatever reason; they think I know stuff that I may or may not know. This call was one of those calls; I need some help with XYZ.
I ran my next two Zoom calls and then waited on my Queen to arrive home. She spent the day in the office; she likes the office. I like the comfort of our warm home hanging with PVHT. I’ve got a 50% day with Zoom and in-person meetings. I’m setting up my next week and looking to plan a trip for my Queen and me to head south for some sand.
We had a cocktail while she made French onion soup with blue cheese; having a master chef on the team makes life pleasant. We watched a show and then hit our bed early. Another great night of sleep, and here I sit making soup for me, for you, for the future world. What was that old white guy doing at the end of 2020? Does anyone care? Will anyone care? History will tell; my bet is these words become like smoke from a fire, floating up to the heavens never to be seen again.
The Catahoula is ripping up a pig’s ear. While I make my soup, I’m tending to this magical beast. She’s busy, aren’t we all? Laundry that needs to be folded to my right, I’ll get on that project once this project is complete. I’ll clean up my email, but the email is now workable. I spent some time cleaning up my email; as I went to bed, I have five live emails in my inbox; I’ve never been more efficient with my time. The pandemic has been a gift.
I’ve got my leadership meeting this morning. Thought leaders from all over the country jump on a call and believe collectively, answer questions, create a hive mind. I now am involved in activities that feed my mind more than my body. Mental health is as important if not more important than physical health. What are you doing to feed your mind? I have regular discussions with people much smarter than myself to help nourish my mind.
Mind nourishment, I like that, could be the title of a future book. Speaking of books, my book The Rule of 8% is stuck at Amazon KDP. I can’t move it; it is set up for review, I do all the steps, but it has been in holding for about 60 days. I’m not ready to exert the energy it will take to push it over the finish line. It’s something I know can be done, but I don’t have the nerve to get it out to the masses. It’s a big book; let’s see where this story goes.
I think I have dinner and cocktails with folks every night next week. I was requested to meet a young fellow and looked and was booked. How does this happen, especially in a pandemic? Well, I’ll share that there are people that are not afraid of meeting others. They don’t preclude people from family gatherings because they perceive them to be idiots. They are welcoming and respect the lives of those that choose to live and not hide.
Ouch, sorry, did he just say that? Well, yes, Martha he did, and he is not alone. While 50% of the world hides, the rest of the world is out rubbing dirt on themselves, breathing in as much air as they can breathe. Irresponsible, you say? It’s irresponsible to hide, seek refuge, and not add to the petri dish of society. We are not individuals who should live in isolation; we are a community of minds that needs to connect. Follow science? When you decide which “science” is correct, I’ll follow your lead. Until then, you live your life, and please allow me to live mine. Don’t’ tread on me.
“Remember that it’s only by going off the track that you get to know the country...And don’t let me beg you, go with that awful tourist idea that Italy’s only a museum of antiquities and art. Love and understand the Italians, for the people are more marvelous than the land.”
Founder of CIO Mastermind 🧠 The Source for Exceptional Leadership in Business Technology, Transformation and Innovation 🔑 Geek with CEO Tendencies
4yRight on, Anson... 👍