Playbook for Account-Based Marketing on LinkedIn (Leader Edition)
Few companies are taking full advantage of LinkedIn’s go-to-market capabilities. It’s the only platform capable of a 360-degree ABM campaign.
Too many brands are in our DMs but haven’t created trust through content.
Others nail the content but forget to converse.
Here’s a 7-step Playbook for Account-Based Marketing on LinkedIn (Leader Edition)
Leverage your team properly and it can be executed in weeks.
1. Assemble the team: 3-5 leaders that match the buying committee
If the buying team consists of a CFO, CTO and CMO, find three leaders with similar roles.
Have a look at Jason Juliano's profile. His expertise is crystal clear.
2. Create the content: 1 event and 3 x video series
The event (in person, online, or on Linkedin) is the soft hook for your ABM strategy. The event should be tailored for the customer and positioned as an industry event (not a company-branded sales pitch).
(Pro tip: invite external speakers your customers will admire e.g., podcaster or speaker.)
Three x video series: Film 3-5 short videos for each leader in your ABM team. Answer specific pain points in each video. Each video series should speak to a persona in the prospect’s buying team.
Sucharita Kodali from Forrester builds trust through video.
3. Send connections: Say hello to your customers
Brands either miss this part entirely or rely on SDRs/junior salespeople to spam.
Understand that in 2023, sales & marketing is everyone’s job - especially leadership.
You’d engaged this customer at a cocktail event. Why not through LinkedIn?
Recommended by LinkedIn
4. Publish the content, and schedule the event: Add value through video and text posts
New connections are exposed to what you publish shortly thereafter
See the video content of CEO strategist David Lancefield
5. Retarget with Ads: LinkedIn Thought Leader Ads
Hot off the press. As of a few weeks ago, LinkedIn Ads can now be sent from your people. A win-win for leaders and brands.
6. Messaging: Friendly invitations to join the event
By now, there’s a good chance your prospects have been exposed to you, your brand, and multiple variations of your content.
7. An invitation to a call
Before the event and certainly afterward, invite the prospect to a prep or follow-up call.
Close. Repeat.
I help B2B execs build trust and revenue through LinkedIn. Book a strategy call.
Leadership Marketing for Advisory firms |
1yAmina Mattern what did I miss? I need your wisdom 🧠
Leadership Marketing for Advisory firms |
1yShoutouts in the article - Jason Juliano ☁ Sucharita Kodali and David Lancefield - for top LinkedIn profiles to follow