#PositiveVibes - Feel It To Heal It
By John R. Nocero and Sandy Abell
The VIBE: Don't mask it. Feel it. And Heal it
John: Many people’s biggest fear is that they are not good enough. I had this voice in my head that I was battling for years that said, ‘You’re not really talented enough. You don’t really deserve this.’ I think many people have this limiting belief. That they are not good enough, that they are unworthy or can’t accept who they are or who they’ve become. That was my limiting belief for a long time – that I was not worthy of love. So I did everything I could to avoid it, without actually addressing it. Thing is, I didn’t really address it until January 3, when I got a panic attack that changed my life. I really thought I was dying, now it was my body trying to tell me something. It made me think, step back and question everything. Death in itself is a rebirth, but sometimes you can die and come back with a whole new identity.
I know I am no longer the person who intentionally makes bad decisions to mask pain. That means you have to think differently and rewire your brain a bit, but it can be done. Now, most of us don’t enjoy digging to the root of our beliefs and delving into why we think, feel, and act the way we do; instead, we’re wired to sweep things under the carpet and use alcohol, food, drugs, or sex as crutches to help us to mask our emotions and maintain our sanity.
I had to because I was sick and tired of living that way. Also funny is that when I thought that, I ended up attracting those people into my life who reinforced them, and then I was back in the negative loop of despair. Also more interesting is when you decide to get fully clean, you meet others just like you who do the same, who beat their demons too. And you support each other. Care about each other. Love each other. I fight my demons by acknowledging them and learning to feel them. You need to feel them to heal them. Instead of believing I had the power to take responsibility, I allowed past events to define who I was and how I saw myself, because I didn’t have the knowledge, awareness, or tools to know any differently. Now I do.
Sandy, why do so many believe they don’t have the power to reshape our stories? When we rewrite our stories, we break free from our past and transform our lives. Isn’t this the only way?
Sandy: Wow John!!! You have quite a story, and it’s very brave of you to share it. I’m so impressed with your self-awareness and willingness to look the scary stuff in the face and take back your power.
There is enough about that subject that it’s really a book, but I’ll try to talk about it a bit here.
So many people come from backgrounds where they were told in many ways that they are flawed and aren’t lovable and valuable just as they are. They are taught that they are only worthy of love, support, praise, and emotional and physical safety when they act and think in a certain way.
As children we believe what the adults and culture around us tell us, so if you were given the message that you will never be any good, your inner child absorbs and believes it.
Even though we are still adults, we all still have that inner child inside of us. At times s/he gets really big and loud, and tells you all the negative messages you learned when you were small. Even if you are a successful, well-functioning adult, your inner child is still inside you, being fearful that you might mess up and the consequences will be awful.
It’s important for people to know that whatever negative things you were taught as a child aren’t really about you. It’s a statement about the adults who gave you the messages, and about their own fears and flaws. They taught you what they thought was right, or what worked for them, and it had very little to do with the person you were then or are now.
This is a good thing because it means we each have the power to look at all those negative messages and change them, just as you have. We no longer have to believe them or follow what they say.
If a person is struggling with negative messages, I suggest s/he put a picture of yourself taken when you were young (between ages 2 & 7) and then focus on and love that child (who is really still inside you). Give that child all the love, support, praise and empowerment s/he deserved when young.
It might sound a bit corny, but instead of continuing to abuse your inner child (which is you), we each can begin to nurture him/her.
This is a big subject and we’ve just begun to scratch the surface.
The important thing is for each person to know that they were born valuable, lovable and worthy, and that has not changed. The awareness of that just got lost somewhere along the way.
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